
Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Fluid Mechanics Lab. (Shigeta & Sugimoto Group)

Plasma Fluid Mechanics etc.



ACADEMIC PAPERS (peer-reviewed)
  1. Designing nanoparticles: The role of process parameters in thermal plasma synthesis,
    Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 36, Issue 3, (online February 8, 2025), pp. 104793-(11 pages). (Impact factor = 4.2)
    Kwangjae Park, Yusuke Hirayama, Masaya Shigeta

  2. SPH Simulation of Molten Metal Flow Modeling Lava Flow Phenomena with Solidification, (OPEN ACCESS)
    Dynamics, Vol. 4, Issue 2, (April 19, 2024), pp. 287-302.
    Shingo Tomita, Joe Yoshikawa, Makoto Sugimoto, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta

  3. D03-ordered Fe3Al magnetic nanopowders synthesized by low oxygen induction thermal plasma,
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 976, (March 5, 2024), pp. 173277-(7 pages). (Impact factor = 6.371)
    Jian Wang, Yusuke Hirayama, Zheng Liu, Shunsuke Tsurumi, Masaya Shigeta, Makoto Sugimoto, Joe Yoshikawa, Shoichi Kumon, Kimitaka Sato

  4. Spatial-frequency-resolved schlieren sensor for turbulence visualization in arc discharge,
    Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,(November 14, 2023). (Impact factor = 3.6)
    Yuki Inada, Ryo Kikuchi, Yuichi Hirano, Yusuke Maede, Yasunori Tanaka, Yusuke Nakano, Masaya Shigeta, Takayasu Fujino, Akiko Kumada

  5. X-ray free electron laser observation of ultrafast lattice behaviour under femtosecond laser-driven shock compression in iron, (OPEN ACCESS)
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, No. 1, (August 31, 2023), pp. 13796-(10 pages). (Impact factor = 4.997)
    Tomokazu Sano, Tomoki Matsuda, Akio Hirose, Mitsuru Ohata, Tomoyuki Terai, Tomoyuki Kakeshita, Yuichi Inubushi, Takahiro Sato, Kohei Miyanishi, Makina Yabashi, Tadashi Togashi, Kensuke Tono, Osami Sakata, Yoshinori Tange, Kazuto Arakawa, Yusuke Ito, Takuo Okuchi, Tomoko Sato, Toshimori Sekine, Tsutomu Mashimo, Nobuhiko Nakanii, Yusuke Seto, Masaya Shigeta, Takahisa Shobu, Yuji Sano, Tomonao Hosokai, Takeshi Matsuoka, Toshinori Yabuuchi, Kazuo A Tanaka, Norimasa Ozaki, Ryosuke Kodama

  6. Splashing of tungsten-based anode during arc discharge, (OPEN ACCESS)
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, (July 27, 2023), pp. 12210-(9 pages). (Impact factor = 4.997)
    Kenta Iida, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  7. A study on convection in molten zone of aluminum alloy during Fe/Al resistance spot welding,
    Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 94, (May 26, 2023), pp. 424-434. (Impact factor = 5.684)
    Muneyoshi Iyota, Tomoki Matsuda, Tomokazu Sano, Masaya Shigeta, Takahisa Shobu, Hirokatsu Yumoto, Takahisa Koyama, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasunori Senba, Haruhiko Ohashi, Shunji Goto, Ichiro Inoue, Yujiro Hayashi, Kenji Tamasaku, Taito Osaka, Jumpei Yamada, Makina Yabashi

  8. Identification of the Dominant Factor for Droplet Ejection from a Tungsten Electrode during AC Tungsten Inert Gas Welding by Visualisation of Electrode Phenomena,
    Materials, Vol. 16, No. 7, (April 5, 2023), pp. 2899-(15 pages). (Impact factor = 3.623)
    Kenta Iida, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta and Manabu Tanaka

  9. Spatial composition distribution of a Ni-Cu binary alloy powder in a thermal plasma process,
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 898, (March 25, 2022), pp. 162792 (7 pages). (Impact factor = 5.316)
    Y. Hirayama, M. Shigeta, K. Takagi and K. Ozaki

  10. Asymmetric Abel Inversion in Imaging Spectroscopy for Tilted TIG Arc Plasma,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, (December, 2021), pp. 233-240. [in Japanese]
    Yuto Yamashita, Masaya Shigeta, Hisaya Komen, Manabu Tanaka
    English-translated: Asymmetric Abel inversion in imaging spectroscopy for tilted TIG arc plasma,
    Welding International, Vol. 36, Issue 7, (July 18, 2022), pp. 425-433.
    Yuto Yamashita, Masaya Shigeta, Hisaya Komen and Manabu Tanaka

  11. Identification of light emitting elements around tungsten electrode during TIG welding using optical emission spectroscopy,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, (December, 2021), pp. 248-259. [in Japanese]
    Keigo TANAKA, Masaya SHIGETA, Hisaya KOMEN, Manabu TANAKA

  12. Experimental investigation of dominant factors for droplet ejection from electrode during AC TIG welding,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, (December, 2021), pp. 260-266. [in Japanese]
    Kenta IIDA, Keigo TANAKA, Masaya SHIGETA, Hisaya KOMEN, Manabu TANAKA

  13. Numerical investigation for dominant factors in slag transfer and deposition process during metal active gas welding using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, (December, 2021), pp. 277-290. [in Japanese]
    Takamasa FUKAZAWA, Keigo TANAKA, Hisaya KOMEN, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Anthony B. Murphy
    English-translated: Numerical investigation for dominant factors in slag transfer and deposition process during metal active gas welding using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method,
    Welding International, Vol. 36, Issue 5, (April 25, 2022), pp. 297-313.
    Takamasa Fukazawa, Keigo Tanaka, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka & Anthony Bruce Murphy

  14. Observation of Phenomena in the Slag Bath during Electroslag Welding,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, (December, 2021), pp. 347-362. [in Japanese]
    Kei YAMAZAKI, Ryo ASANO, Ryo TODA, Yasuyuki SAITO, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA
    ----- "Best Paper Award of Japan Welding Society"

  15. Numerical study of heat transfer process during electroslag welding by two-dimensional particle method,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, (December, 2021), pp. 363-370. [in Japanese]
    Ryo UENO, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Ryo TODA, Yasuyuki SAITO, Kei YAMAZAKI

  16. Particle simulation of nugget formation process during steel/aluminum alloy dissimilar resistance spot welding and thickness estimation of intermetallic compounds,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, (December, 2021), pp. 371-378. [in Japanese]
    Shinnosuke CHIKUCHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Hisaya KOMEN, Manabu TANAKA
    English-translated: Particle simulation of nugget formation process during steel/aluminum alloy dissimilar resistance spot welding and thickness estimation of intermetallic compounds,
    Welding International, Vol. 36, Issue 7, (July 22, 2022), pp. 434-442.
    Shinnosuke Chikuchi, Masaya Shigeta, Hisaya Komen & Manabu Tanaka

  17. Dross Formation Process During Gas Cutting Using Three-Dimensional Particle Simulation,
    Journal of Smart Processing, Vol. 10,No. 6, (November, 2021),pp. 373-381. [in Japanese]
    H. Komen, T. Sugai, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, T. Kato, Y. Kitamura and T. Sato

  18. Anisotropic Sm-Co nanopowder prepared by induction thermal plasma,
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 882, No. 15, (November, 2021), pp. 160633 (10 pages). (Impact factor = 5.316)
    Kwangjae Park, Yusuke Hirayama, Masaya Shigeta, Zheng Liu, Makoto Kobashi, Kenta Takagi

  19. Computational Study of Quenching Effects on Growth Processes and Size Distributions of Silicon Nanoparticles at a Thermal Plasma Tail,
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 11, Issue 6, (May 21, 2021), pp. 1370 (21 pages). (Impact factor = 5.076) (OPEN ACCESS)
    Masaya Shigeta, Yusuke Hirayama, Emanuele Ghedini

  20. Comparison between methods measuring arc efficiency of gas tungsten arc welding,
    Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 26, No. 5, (May 3, 2021), pp. 371-376. (Impact factor = 4.564)
    Shoji Fujiyama, Masaya Shigeta & Manabu Tanaka

  21. Anisotropic Nd-Fe ultrafine particles with stable and metastable phases prepared by induction thermal plasma,
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 873, No. 25, (August, 2021) pp. 159724 (9 pages). (Impact factor = 5.316)
    Y. Hirayama, M. Shigeta, Z. Liu, N. Yodoshi, A. Hosokawa, K. Takagi

  22. High speed X-ray observation of digital controlled submerged arc welding phenomena,
    Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 26, No. 4, (April 5, 2021), pp. 332-340. (Impact factor = 3.422)
    Yohei Abe, Takahiro Fujimoto, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta & Manabu Tanaka

  23. Study on Proper Welding Condition for Ultra-Narrow Gap Submerged Arc Welding,,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 1, (March, 2021), pp. 64-74. [in Japanese]
    Yohei ABE, Takahiro FUJIMOTO, Mitsuyoshi NAKATANI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA
    English-translated: Study on Proper Welding Condition for Ultranarrow Gap Submerged Arc Welding,
    Welding International, Vol. 35, Issue 7-9, (November 11, 2021), pp. 369-381.
    Yohei Abe, Takahiro Fujimoto, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani, Masaya Shigeta and Manabu Tanaka

  24. Electrode contamination caused by metal vapour transport during tungsten inert gas welding,
    Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 26, No. 3, (February 28, 2021), pp. 258-263. (Impact factor = 3.422)
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Hisaya Komen & Manabu Tanaka

  25. Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer During Submerged Arc Welding Phenomena by Coupled DEM-ISPH Simulation,
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 171, (June, 2021), pp. 121062 (15 pages). (Impact factor = 5.584)
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Yohei Abe, Takahiro Fujimoto, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani, Anthony B. Murphy

  26. Experimental Study on Effects of Gas-shielding in Lap-fillet Arc Welding,,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 39, No. 1, (February, 2021), pp. 51-63. [in Japanese]
    Manabu TANAKA, Tetsuo YAMADA, Masaya SHIGETA, Hisaya KOMEN, Mitsugi FUKAHORI, Naoko SAITO
    English-translated: Experimental study on effects of gas-shielding in lap-fillet arc welding,
    Welding International, Vol. 35, Issue 10-12, (December 16, 2021), pp. 492-507.
    Manabu Tanaka, Tetsuo Yamada, Masaya Shigeta, Hisaya Komen, Mitsugi Fukahori and Naoko Saito

  27. Modelling and measurements of gas tungsten arc welding in argon-helium mixtures with metal vapour, (INVITED)
    Welding in the World, Vol. 65, No. 4, (January 2, 2021), pp. 767-783.
    Junting Xiang, Keigo Tanaka, Fiona F. Chen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Anthony B. Murphy

  28. Effect of shielding gas composition on gas metal arc welding phenomena using rare earth metal added wire,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 38, No. 4, (December 4, 2020), pp. 438-447.
    TANAKA Manabu, METHONG Titinan, KOMEN Hisaya, SHIGETA Masaya, KATAOKA Tokihiko, MATSUSHITA Muneo, KOZUKI Shohei ----- "Best Paper Award of Japan Welding Society"

  29. Investigation of transient metal vapour transport processes in helium arc welding by imaging spectroscopy,
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 53, No. 42, (July 28, 2020), pp. 425202 (8 pages). (Impact factor = 3.169)
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Anthony B. Murphy

  30. Development of a Welding Condition Optimization Program for Narrow Gap SAW,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 38, No. 2, (May 7, 2020), pp. 98s-102s.
    Youhei ABE, Takahiro FUJIMOTO, Mitsuyoshi NAKATANI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  31. Numerical Simulation of Droplet Transfer with TiO2 Flux Column During Flux Cored Arc Welding by 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 38, No. 2, (May 7, 2020), pp. 84s-88s.
    Ryo UENO, Hisaya KOMEN, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  32. Imaging Spectroscopy for Transient Transport of Chromium Vapor During Helium TIG Welding,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 38, No. 2, (April 1, 2020), pp. 21s-24s.
    Keigo TANAKA, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Anthony B. MURPHY

  33. Numerical study of the metal vapour transport in tungsten inert-gas welding in argon for stainless steel,
    Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 79, (March 1, 2020), pp. 713-728. (Impact factor = 2.841)
    Junting Xiang, Fion F. Chen, Hunkwan Park, Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Anthony B. Murphy

  34. Numerical study of the effects and transport mechanisms of iron vapour in tungsten inert-gas welding in argon,
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 53, No. 4, (January 1, 2020), pp. 044004 (14 pages). (Impact factor = 3.169)
    Junting Xiang, Hunkwan Park, Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Anthony B. Murphy

  35. Numerical analysis of the correlation between arc plasma fluctuation and nanoparticle growth-transport under atmospheric pressure,
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, No. 12, (December 6, 2019), pp. 1736 (13 pages). (Impact factor = 4.034) (OPEN ACCESS)
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Emanuele Ghedini

  36. Investigation of the bilayer region of metal vapor in a helium tungsten inert gas arc plasma on stainless steel by imaging spectroscopy,
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 52, No. 35, (August 28, 2019), pp. 354003 (9 pages). (Impact factor = 3.169)
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Anthony B. Murphy

  37. The Relation Between Electrode Lifetime and Additive Consumption During TIG Welding,
    Welding Letters, Vol. 37, No. 4, August 1, 2019), pp. 4WL-6WL.
    Keigo Tanaka, Tetsuo Yamada, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Seiji Nakabayashi

  38. Visualization of Submerged Arc Welding Phenomena by X-ray Observation and Direct Observation,
    Welding Letters, Vol. 36, No. 4, (December 31, 2018), pp. 9WL-12WL.
    Hisaya Komen, Yohei Abe, Takahiro Fujimoto, Masaya Shigeta, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani, Manabu Tanaka

  39. Numerical simulation of slag forming process during submerged arc welding using DEM-ISPH hybrid method, (INVITED)
    Welding in the World, Vol. 62, Issue 6, (October 4, 2018), pp. 1323-1330.
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani, Yohei Abe

  40. Numerical Study of Axial Magnetic Effects on a Turbulent Thermal Plasma Jet for Nanopowder Production Using 3D Time-Dependent Simulation,
    Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization, Vol. 6, (April 24, 2018), pp. 107-123. (OPEN ACCESS)
    Masaya Shigeta

  41. Numerical Simulation of Molten Metal Droplet Behavior in Gas Metal Arc Welding by Three-Dimensional Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method,
    Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization, Vol. 6, (April 12, 2018), pp. 66-81. (OPEN ACCESS)
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, and Manabu Tanaka

  42. Numerical simulation of molten metal droplet transfer and weld pool convection during gas metal arc welding using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method,
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 121, (March 18, 2018), pp. 978-985. (Impact factor = 4.346)
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  43. Experimental Measurements of Gas Shielding Characteristics in TIG Welding with a Constricted Nozzle,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 36, No. 1, (January 27, 2018), pp. 21-25. [in Japanese]
    Satoshi MIKI, Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA, Tadasuke MURATA

  44. Modeling for collective growth of fume primary particles with charge effect in arc welding, (INVITED)
    Welding in the World, Vol. 62, Issue 1, (January 1, 2018), pp. 203-213.
    Masaya Shigeta, Shota Minami, Manabu Tanaka

  45. Visualization of Gas Metal Arc Welding on Globular to Spray Transition Current,
    Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 23, No. 1, (January 1, 2018), pp. 87-94.
    T. Methong, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, R. Ikeda, M. Matsushita, B. Poopat

  46. Modeling of Submerged Arc Welding Phenomena and Experimental Study of the Heat Source Characteristics,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 35, No. 2, (July 10, 2017), pp. 93-101. [in Japanese]
    Hisaya KOMEN, Sho MATSUI, Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Takahiro KAMO

  47. Effect of Rare Earth Metal on Plasma Properties in GMAW using CO2 Shielding Gas, (INVITED)
    Welding in the World, Vol. 61, Issue 5, (June 19, 2017), pp. 1039-1047.
    Titinan Methong, Tasuku Yamaguchi, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Rinsei Ikeda, Muneo Matsushita, Bovornchok Poopat

  48. Numerical Analysis of Heat Source Characteristics of a Constricted TIG Arc for Welding of Aluminium,
    Journal of Light Metal Welding, Vol. 55, No. 6, (June 16, 2017), pp. 227-232. [in Japanese]
    Kyohei Konishi, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Akihisa Murata, Tadasuke Murata, and Anthony B. Murphy

  49. Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Additives in Electrode During TIG Welding Process,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 35, No. 2, (May 25, 2017), pp. 73-84. [in Japanese]
    Kyohei KONISHI, Manabu TANAKA, Masaya SHIGETA, Kazuya ISHIDA, Akitoshi KUROKAWA, Tomohiro TAKIDA, Seiji NAKABAYASHI, Ayuri TSUJI

  50. Diagnostic of Heat Source Characteristics in Gas Metal Arc Welding Using CO2 Shielding Gas,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 35, No. 2, (April 9, 2017), pp. 103s-107s.
    Titinan Methong, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Rinsei Ikeda, Muneo Matsushita, and Tokihiko Kataoka

  51. Simulation of Flux Melting Process during a SAW by DEM-ISPH Hybrid Method,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 35, No. 2, (March 11, 2017), pp. 38s-41s.
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani and Yohei Abe

  52. Numerical study on thermal non-equilibrium of arc plasmas in TIG welding processes using a two-temperature model, (INVITED)
    Welding in the World, (January 1, 2017), Vol. 61, Issue 1, pp. 197-207.
    K. Konishi, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, A. Murata, T. Murata, A. B. Murphy

  53. Effect of Saturation Pressure Difference on Metal-Silicide Nanopowder Formation in Thermal Plasma Fabrication,
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 6, (March 7, 2016), pp. 43 (10 pages). (Impact factor = 3.553)
    Masaya Shigeta, Takayuki Watanabe

  54. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of arc characteristics in SMAW, (INVITED)
    Welding in the World, Vol. 60, Issue 2, (February 22, 2016), pp. 355-361.
    Masaya SHIGETA, Takahiro IKEDA, Manabu TANAKA, Tetsuo SUGA, Bovornchok POOPAT, Somporn PEANSUKMANEE, Niwat KUNAWONG, Ackadech LERSVANICHKOOL, Hiroaki KAWAMOTO, Supot THONGDEE, Kazuyuki SUENAGA, Makoto OTA

  55. Effect of precursor fraction on silicide nanopowder growth under thermal plasma conditions: a computational study,
    Powder Technology, Vol. 288, (January 1, 2016), pp. 191-201. (Impact factor of = 2.942)
    Masaya Shigeta, Takayuki Watanabe

  56. Numerical analysis of collective growth of primary fume particles in arc welding,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 33, No. 4, (December 16, 2015), pp. 365-375. [in Japanese]
    Masaya Shigeta, Masayoshi Miyake, Manabu Tanaka

  57. Incompressible SPH Simulation of Weld Pool Convection with Molten Metal Droplets in a GMA Welding,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 33, No. 4, (December 16, 2015), pp. 332-340. [in Japanese]
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Yu Fukunishi

  58. Simple nonequilibrium model of collective growth and transport of metal nanomist in a thermal plasma process,
    Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol. 63, (October, 2015), pp. 147-154.
    Masaya SHIGETA

  59. Incompressible SPH simulation of a Flow in Weld Pool with Metal Droplet,
    Journal of Smart Processing, Vol. 4, No.3, (May, 2015), pp. 165-170. [in Japanese]
    Hisaya KOMEN, Masaya SHIGETA and Manabu TANAKA

  60. Analysis of dynamic plasma behaviors in gas metal arc welding by imaging spectroscopy,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 33, No.2, (May, 2015), pp. 118-125. [in Japanese]
    Masaya SHIGETA, Shota NAKANISHI, Manabu TANAKA and Anthony B. MURPHY ----- "Best Paper Award of Japan Welding Society"
    This paper has been translated into English as
    "Analysis of dynamic plasma behaviours in gas metal arc welding by imaging spectroscopy",
    Welding International, Vol. 31, Issue 9, (March, 2017), pp. 669-680.

  61. Numerical Simulation of Joining Process in a TIG Welding System Using Incompressible SPH Method,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 33, No.2, (May, 2015), pp. 32s-38s.
    Masumi Ito, Yu Nishio, Seiichiro Izawa, Yu Fukunishi, and Masaya Shigeta

  62. Effects of surface tension on predictions of weld pool formation in TIG welding,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 33, No.2, (May, 2015), pp. 116s-119s.
    Masayoshi Miyake, Masaya Shigeta and Manabu Tanaka

  63. Reliability evaluation of Fowler-Milne method in a temperature measurement of Gas Tungsten Arc,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 33, No. 1, (March, 2015), pp. 42-48. [in Japanese]
    Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA, Tadasuke MURATA, Anthony B. MURPHY

  64. Numerical Simulation of a Weld Pool Formation in a TIG Welding Using an Incompressible SPH Method,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 32, No. 4, (December, 2014), pp. 213-222. [in Japanese]
    Masumi ITO, Seiichiro IZAWA, Yu FUKUNISHI, Masaya SHIGETA

  65. Influences of welding conditions on the constricted TIG arcs,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 32, No. 3, (November, 2014), pp. 207-212. [in Japanese]
    Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA, Tadasuke MURATA
    English-translated: Influences of welding conditions on the constricted TIG arcs,
    Welding International, Vol. 30, Issue 12, (August, 2016), pp. 927-934.
    Konishi Kyohei, Shigeta Masaya, Tanaka Manabu, Murata Akihisa and Murata Tadasuke

  66. Experimental study on control of highly unsteady separating flow,
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 3, (September, 2014), JFST0046 (8 pages).
    Yu NISHIO, Takuo ENDO, Masaya SHIGETA, Seiichiro IZAWA, Yu FUKUNISHI

  67. Numerical Study on Receptivity of Flat-Plate Boundary Layer to External Disturbances,
    Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol. 62, (June, 2014), pp. 3-12.
    Shuta NORO, Masaya SHIGETA, Seiichiro IZAWA and Yu FUKUNISHI

  68. Effects of a constricted nozzle on the arc phenomena in TIG welding process,
    Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 32, No. 2, (June, 2014), pp. 47-51. [in Japanese]
    Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA, Tadasuke MURATA
    English-translated: Effects of a constricted nozzle on the arc phenomena in the TIG welding process,
    Welding International, Vol. 30, Issue 8, (March, 2016), pp. 590-595.
    Konishi Kyohei, Shigeta Masaya, Tanaka Manabu, Murata Akihisa and Murata Tadasuke

  69. Boundary Layer Receptivity to Localized Disturbances in Freestream Caused by a Vortex Ring Collision,
    Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 6, No. 3, (October, 2013), pp. 425-433.
    Shuta Noro, Yoshimune Suzuki, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  70. Numerical Study on Leading-Edge Receptivity to Freestream Vertical Vorticity,
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, (June, 2013), pp. 136-145.

  71. Three-dimensional flow dynamics of an argon RF plasma with dc jet assistance: a numerical study,
    (The figure of vortex structure in this paper was adopted as the cover image of the journal.)
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No. 1, (January, 2013), pp. 015401 (12 pages). See also Movies (Impact factor = 2.521)
    Masaya Shigeta

  72. Time-Dependent 3-D Simulation of an Argon RF Inductively Coupled Thermal Plasma,
    Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 5, (October, 2012), pp. 055029 (14 pages). See also Movies (Impact factor = 2.515)
    Masaya Shigeta

  73. Simple equations to describe aerosol growth,
    Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 4, (May, 2012), pp. 045017 (11 pages).
    Valerian A. Nemchinsky and Masaya Shigeta

  74. A Two-Dimensional nodal model with turbulent effects for the synthesis of Si nano-particles by inductively coupled thermal plasmas,
    Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 2, (March, 2012), pp. 025001 (12 pages). (Impact factor = 2.515)
    V. Colombo, E. Ghedini, M. Gherardi, P. Sanibondi, M. Shigeta

  75. Formation Mechanism of Titanium Boride Nanoparticles by RF Induction Thermal Plasma,
    Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 183, (February, 2012) pp. 483-491. (Impact factor = 3.473)
    Yingying Cheng, Masaya Shigeta, Sooseok Choi, Takayuki Watanabe

  76. Hotwire Measurement and Numerical Analysis of Flows around a Straight Wing Vertical Axis Wind Turbine,
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 77, No. 775, (March, 2011), pp. 637-646. [in Japanese]
    Yuko SATO, Hironari OKAZAKI, Tatsuya SHODA, Yu NISHIO, Masaya SHIGETA and Seiichiro IZAWA

  77. Growth model of binary alloy nanopowders for thermal plasma synthesis,
    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 108, Issue 4, (August, 2010), pp. 043306 (15 pages). (Impact factor = 2.064)
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  78. Two-Directional Nodal Model for Co-Condensation Growth of Multi-Component Nanoparticles in Thermal Plasma Processing,
    Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 18, No. 5-6, (December, 2009), pp. 1022-1037.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  79. Model Integration for Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis by an RF Thermal Plasma Flow with Counterflow Cooling,
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 75, No. 758, (October, 2009), pp. 2019-2028. [in Japanese]
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  80. Incompressible SPH Simulation of Double-Diffusive Convection Phenomena, (INVITED)
    International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, (March, 2009), pp. 1-18.
    Masaya Shigeta, Takahiro Watanabe, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  81. Active Control of Cavity Noise by Fluidic Oscillators,
    Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol. 57, (December, 2009), pp. 127-134.
    Masaya Shigeta, Toshimasa Miura, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  82. Mixing Enhancement and Interface Characteristics in a Small-Scale Channel,
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Special Issue on Micro Nano Fluids, Vol. 3, No.8, (December, 2008), pp. 1020-1030.
    Shuta NORO, Kenji KOKUNAI, Masaya SHIGETA, Seiichiro IZAWA and Yu FUKUNISHI

  83. Two-dimensional analysis of nanoparticle formation in induction thermal plasmas with counterflow cooling,
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 516. (May, 2008), pp. 4415-4422.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  84. Numerical investigation of cooling effect on platinum nanoparticle formation in inductively coupled thermal plasmas,
    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 103, Issue 7, (April, 2008), pp. 074903 (15 pages). (Impact factor = 2.201)
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  85. Hierarchical vortical structures in a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow,
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 41, No. 4, (December, 2007), pp. 463-469.
    S. Izawa, W. A. Kareem, M. Shigeta, Y. Fukunishi

  86. Growth mechanism of silicon-based functional nanoparticles fabricated by inductively coupled thermal plasmas, (INVITED)
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 40, Issue 8, (April, 2007), pp. 2407-2419. (Impact factor = 2.200)
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  87. Modeling of non-equilibrium argon-hydrogen induction plasmas under atmospheric pressure,
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, (March, 2007), pp. 4209-4216.
    Takayuki Watanabe, Nobuhiko Atsuchi and Masaya Shigeta

  88. Multi-component co-condensation model of Ti-based boride/silicide nanoparticle growth in induction thermal plasmas,
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, (March, 2007), pp. 4217-4227.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  89. Numerical Investigation of Local Oxygen Injection Effect on Argon Induction Plasmas Using a Chemically Non-Equilibrium Model,
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, (December, 2006), Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 1255-1264.
    Masaya Shigeta, Nobuhiko Atsuchi, and Takayuki Watanabe
    "Outstanding Paper Award of Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 2006"

  90. Two-temperature chemically-non-equilibrium modeling of argon induction plasmas with diatomic gas,
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, (October, 2006), pp. 4867-4876.
    Takayuki Watanabe, Masaya Shigeta and Nobuhiko Atsuchi

  91. Modeling of non-equilibrium argon-oxygen induction plasmas under atmospheric pressure,
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, No. 5-6, (March, 2006), pp. 1073-1082.
    Nobuhiko Atsuchi, Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  92. Numerical Analysis of Metallic Nanoparticle Synthesis using RF Inductively Coupled Plasma Flows,
    Transactions of ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 127, (November, 2005), pp. 1222-1230.
    Masaya Shigeta and Hideya Nishiyama

  93. Numerical analysis for co-condensation processes in silicide nanoparticle synthesis using induction thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure conditions,
    Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 20, No. 10, (October, 2005), pp. 2801-2811. (Impact factor = 2.104)
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  94. Numerical analysis for preparation of silicon-based intermetallic nano-particles in induction thermal plasma flow systems,
    JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering, Vol. 48, Issue 3, (August, 2005), pp. 425-431.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  95. Numerical investigation for nano-particle synthesis in an RF inductively coupled plasma,
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 457, (June, 2004), pp. 192-200.
    Masaya Shigeta, Takayuki Watanabe and Hideya Nishiyama

  96. Computational simulation of a particle-laden RF inductively coupled plasma with seeded potassium,
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 47, No. 4, (February, 2004), pp. 707-716.
    Masaya Shigeta, Takehiko Sato and Hideya Nishiyama

  97. Numerical simulation of a potassium-seeded turbulent RF inductively coupled plasma with particles,
    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 435, (July, 2003), pp. 5-12.
    Masaya Shigeta, Takehiko Sato and Hideya Nishiyama

  98. Numerical simulation of an RF inductively coupled plasma for functional enhancement by seeding vaporized alkali metal,
    European Physical Journal, Applied Physics, Vol. 18, No. 2, (May, 2002), pp. 125-133.
    H. Nishiyama and M. Shigeta

  99. Mixing and magnetic effects on a nonequilibrium argon plasma jet,
    International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 40, No. 3, (March, 2001), pp. 273-278.
    Takehiko Sato, Masaya Shigeta, Daigo Kato and Hideya Nishiyama

  1. Progress of computational plasma fluid mechanics, peer-reviewed
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 62, (June 16, 2023), pp. SL0801 (17 pages). (OPEN ACCESS)
    Masaya Shigeta

  2. Simulating Turbulent Thermal Plasma Flows for Nanopowder Fabrication, peer-reviewed
    Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Vol. 40, Issue 3, (May 1, 2020), pp. 775-794. (Impact factor = 2.768)
    Masaya Shigeta

  3. Visualization of electromagnetic-thermal-fluid phenomena in arc welding, peer-reviewed
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 59, (2020) (published on November 25, 2019), pp. SA0805 (12 pages).
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  4. Modeling and Simulation of a Turbulent-like Thermal Plasma Jet for Nanopowder Production, peer-reviewed
    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 14, (January 1, 2019), pp. 16-28.
    Masaya Shigeta

  5. Turbulence modelling of thermal plasma flows, peer-reviewed
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 49, No. 49, (November 9, 2016), pp. 493001 (18 pages). (Impact factor = 2.772)
    Masaya Shigeta

  6. Thermal plasmas for nanofabrication, peer-reviewed
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 44, No. 17, (April 14, 2011), pp. 174025 (16 pages). (Impact factor = 2.544)
    Masaya Shigeta and Anthony B. Murphy (to see the quick review on IOP science -> Click!)
    Prof. Shigeta was invited to Celebratory reception to mark the 10th anniversary of the IOP Publishing Editorial Office
    in Japan
    at British Embassy Tokyo (June 14, 2012) because our article was included in a collection of the most frequently downloaded papers published in 2011 (= Top 3% of articles across all IOP journals)

  1. Shin Yosetsu Arc Gensho, (258 pages) [in Japanese]
    Chapter 1 (pp. 1-22): Arc Butsuri,
    Publisher: SANPO PUBLICATIONS, INC (Tokyo, Japan)
    ISBN: 978-4-88318-060-8
    (June 1, 2021)
    Welding Method Association of Japan Welding Society

  2. Sustained Simulation Performance 2012,
    Part IV: Computational Engineering Applications and Coupled Multi-physics Simulations,
    (pp. 169-182): Numerical Investigation of Nano-Material Processing by Thermal Plasma Flows,
    Edited by Michael M. Resch, Xin Wang, Wolfgang Bez, Erich Focht and Hiroaki Kobayashi
    Publisher: Springer (Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London)
    ISBN: 978-3-642-32453-6, ISBN: 978-3-642-32454-3 (eBook)
    (October 1, 2012 - online)
    Masaya Shigeta

  3. Nanomaterials: Properties, Preparation and Processes,
    Chapter 3 (pp. 115-176): Nanoparticle Synthesis by Thermal Plasmas,
    Edited by Vinicius Cabral and Renan Silva
    Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (New York, USA)
    ISBN: 978-1-60876-627-7
    (January 1, 2011)
    Takayuki Watanabe, Masaya Shigeta

  4. Nanoparticles: Properties, Classification, Characterization, and Fabrication,
    Chapter 3 (pp. 149-212): Nanoparticle Synthesis by Thermal Plasmas,
    Edited by Aiden E. Kestell and Gabriel T. DeLorey
    Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (New York, USA)
    ISBN: 978-1-61668-344-3
    (February 1, 2010)
    Takayuki Watanabe, Masaya Shigeta

  1. Computational plasma fluid mechanics: mathematics and physics of fluid for plasma plasma manufacturing processes, (INVITED)
    OYO-BUTURI, Vol. 93, No. 10, (October 10, 2024), pp. 586-590. [in Japanese]
    English-translated: Computational plasma fluid mechanics: mathematics and physics of fluid for plasma manufacturing processes,
    JSAP Review, Vol. 2024, (December 4, 2024), pp. 240417-1 - 240417-5. (OPEN ACCESS)
    Masaya Shigeta

  2. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of High-Temperature Material Processes Implementing Plasma Thermophysical Properties Data, (INVITED)
    Netsu Bussei (Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties), Vol. 38, No. 2, (May 28, 2024), pp. 56-60. [in Japanese]
    M. Shigeta

  3. High Performance Permanent Magnet Materials Prepared by Induction Thermal Plasma Process, (INVITED)
    Journal of Smart Processing, Vol. 13, Issue 1, (January 10, 2024), pp. 23-30. [in Japanese]
    Yusuke HIRAYAMA, Masaya SHIGETA

  4. Numerical simulation of evaporation phenomena using two-phase lattice Boltzmann method based on phase-field model, (INVITED)
    Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 87, No. 12, (2023), p. 586. [in Japanese]
    Makoto Sugimoto

  5. Development of Ultra-Narrow Gap Submerged Arc Welding, (INVITED)
    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY, Vol. 92, No. 2, (2023), pp. 105-110. [in Japanese]
    Yohei ABE, Takahiro FUJIMOTO, Mitsuyoshi NAKATANI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  6. Modelling and Numerical Methods for Multi-Physics in Nanoparticle Mass-Production Processes using High-Enthalpy Plasma Flow Fields, (INVITED)
    Journal of Smart Processing - for Materials, Environment & Energy -, Vol. 10, No. 1, (2021), pp. 32-37. [in Japanese]
    Masaya Shigeta

  7. Recent Progress of Welding and Joining Engineering, (INVITED)
    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY, Vol. 89, No. 5, (2020), pp. 38-51. [in Japanese]
    Satoru Asai, Fumikazu Miyasaka, Kazufumi Nomura, Yosuke Ogino, Manabu Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Satoshi Yamane

  8. Diagnostics and Numerical Thermofluid Analysis for Elucidation of Arc Welding Phenomena, (INVITED)
    The Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Vol. 140, No. 6, (2020), pp. 350-353. [in Japanese]
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  9. Models and Numerical Methods of Multi-Physics in Nanoparticle Mass-Production by Thermal Plasma Flows, (INVITED)
    SEISAN TO GIJUTSU, Vol. 72, No. 1, (2020), pp. 87-90. [in Japanese]
    SHIGETA Masaya

  10. What is usage of welding process simulation?, (INVITED) Free Access Web Manga (Catoon)
    The Japan Welding Engineering Society WE-COM Magazine "Dr. Naniwa's Welding Gatten! R", Vol. 33, (July, 2019). [in Japanese]
    SHIGETA Masaya

  11. Particle Simulations of Molten Metal Flows during Arc Welding Processes, (INVITED)
    Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Vol. 72, No. 10, (2018), pp. 42-46. [in Japanese]
    SHIGETA Masaya

  12. To Diagnose Complex Electromagnetic-Thermal-Fluid Phenomena of Arc Welding, (INVITED) peer-reviewed
    Journal of Smart Processing - for Materials, Environment & Energy -, Vol. 7, No. 1, (2018), pp. 3-7. [in Japanese]
    SHIGETA Masaya and TANAKA Manabu

  13. Particle Simulations of Molten Metal Flows in Arc Welding Processes, (INVITED)
    Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 86, No. 6, (2017), pp. 14-20. [in Japanese]
    SHIGETA Masaya

  14. Observation and Diagnostics of Arc Welding -- Measurement of Plasma Quality Determining Molten Metal Transfer --, (INVITED)
    YOUSETSU GIJUTSU, Vol. 64, No. 2, (2016), pp. 40-44. [in Japanese]
    SHIGETA Masaya and TANAKA Manabu

  15. Measurements and Numerical Simulations in Arc Welding Processes, (INVITED)
    Journal of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 84, No. 1, (2015), pp. 19-24. [in Japanese]
    HIRATA Yoshinori, TANAKA Manabu, SHIGETA Masaya, NOMURA Kazufumi, and OGINO Yosuke

  16. Computational prediction of niobium-silicide nanopowder growth in thermal plasma synthesis,
    SENAC (Supercomputing System Cyberscience Center Tohoku University): ISSN 0286-7419, Vol. 47, No. 4, (2014), pp. 11-15.
    Masaya Shigeta

  17. Three-dimensional fluid dynamic simulation of radio-frequency inductively coupled thermal plasmas,
    Transactions of JWRI, Vol. 43, No. 1, (2014), pp. 1-4.
    SHIGETA Masaya

  18. Modelling of thermal plasma processing, (INVITED) peer-reviewed
    Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 78, No. 5, (2014), pp. 317-321. [in Japanese]
    Masaya SHIGETA

  19. Time-dependent 3D numerical simulation of a DC-RF hybrid thermal plasma flow,
    SENAC (Supercomputing System Cyberscience Center Tohoku University): ISSN 0286-7419,Vol. 46, No. 3, (2013),pp. 13-17. [in Japanese]
    Masaya Shigeta

  20. Nonoparticle synthesis by thermal plasma processing, (INVITED) peer-reviewed
    OYO BUTURI (A monthly publication of The Japan Society of Applied Physics), Vol. 77, No. 9, (2008), pp. 1098-1102. [in Japanese]
    Takayuki WATANABE, Masaya SHIGETA

  21. Modeling of Nonoparticle Formation by Thermal Plasmas, (INVITED)
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, Vol. 20, No. 1, (2006), pp. 4-9. [in Japanese]
    Takayuki WATANABE, Masaya SHIGETA

  1. Introduction of Computational Plasma Fluid Mechanics,
    2024 C-MAST (Center for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technology, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugues) SEMINARS, (October 24, 2024), Online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  2. Progress of Plasma Fluid Numerical Predictions,
    2024 Plasma Material Engineering Meeting, (October 19, 2024), Tokyo.
    Masaya Shigeta

  3. Pioneering of Numerical Analytical Study: Mathematical Model and Computational Algorithm to Express Aerosol Collective Growth of Alloy Nanoparticle Cloud,
    The 71st Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Spring Meeting 2024, Symposium "T13 Plasma Explores New Frontiers in Nano Particles and Quantum Dots", (March 23, 2024), Tokyo.
    Masaya Shigeta

  4. Numerical Simulation of Liquid Infiltration into Porous Structure Using Two-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Method,
    SCEJ 89th Annual Meeting, (March 20, 2024), Osaka, Q304.
    Makoto Sugimoto

  5. Numerical Simulation of Liquid Infiltration into Microscale Porous Structures Using the Phase-field Lattice Boltzmann Method,
    12th Nano-Precision Channel, Committee for Nano-Precision Mechanical Manufacturing Technology, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, (January 25, 2024), Online.
    Makoto Sugimoto

  6. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of High-Temperature Material Processes Implementing Plasma Thermophysical Properties Data,
    Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties, The 5th Seminar Series "Simulation and Thermophysical Properties of Material Processes at High Temperature", (December 15, 2023), Online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  7. Numerical investigation of wettability effects on liquid infiltration into porous media using two-phase lattice Boltzmann method,
    The 9th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT2023), (December 5, 2023), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, ASCHT2023-167.
    Makoto Sugimoto

  8. Thermal Plasma: Simulation Prediction,
    2023 Plasma Material Engineering Meeting/NEXTA Forum "Thermal Plasma Spray Technology and Carbon Neutral", (October 23, 2023), Matsue.
    Masaya Shigeta

  9. Numerical simulation toward clarification of turbulence induction mechanism of SF6 arc plasma system,
    The 40th SHINRYOIKI Meeting of Plasma Electronics Division, The Japan Society of Applied Physics,(March 27, 2027), Online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  10. Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Phenomena in Nanopowder Fabrication Process using Thermal Plasma,
    AIST Chubu Center MagMet Seminar, (December 5, 2022), Nagoya.
    Masaya Shigeta

  11. Numerical Simulation of Gas-Liquid Multiphase Flow around Complex Structure by Two-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Method,
    AIST Chubu Center MagMet Seminar, (December 5, 2022), Nagoya.
    Makoto Sugimoto

  12. Particle method application to high-temperature metal welding simulation,
    Prometech Simulation Conference 2022, (November 8, 202), Online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  13. Computational Plasma Fluid Mechanics -- Nanopowder Generation and Arc Extinction Processes Dominated by Thermal Plasma-Induced Turbulence --,
    The 38th Kyushu-Yamaguchi Plasma Workshop, (November 6, 2022), Ibusuki.
    Masaya Shigeta

  14. Computational Studies of Thermal-Plasma-Induced Turbulence on Nanopowder Generation and Sustained Arc Discharge,
    The 75th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference & The 11th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (GEC 2022/ICRP-11) sponsored by American Physical Society & The Japan Society of Applied Physics, (October 4, 2022), Sendai.
    Masaya Shigeta

  15. Mathematical Modelling and Simulations of Thermal Plasma - Nanopowder Fabrication Processes,
    National Conference on Recent Developments and Evolving Trends in Plasma Science and Technology & Pre-conference Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Industrial Plasmas, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, (September 23, 2022), Coimbatore.
    M. Shigeta

  16. Lattice Boltzmann Modelling of Gas-liquid Multiphase Flow and Fluid Behavior Analysis around Complex Structure,
    The 35th LBM Workshop, (August 12, 2022), Osaka.
    Makoto Sugimoto

  17. Computational Studies on Nanopowder Formation and Turbulence Generation in Thermal Plasma Applications,
    The 5th International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022), (August 4, 2022), Fukuoka.
    M. Shigeta

  18. Fluctuation Phenomena of Plasma Jet,
    Fujisawa Meeting of the 153rd Committee, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), (July 8, 2022), Fujisawa, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  19. Study of Thermal Plasma Flow - Material Production Processes based on Mathematical Description and Calculation Algorithm Development,
    The Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Tohoku Branch, Spring Conference, (May 7, 2022), online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  20. Numerical Studies of Nanopowder Fabrication and Arc Extinction Processes Related to Thermal-Plasma-Induced Turbulence,
    The 155th Meeting of the 153rd Committee, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), (April 28, 2022), Tokyo, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  21. Computational Plasma Fluid Mechanics -- Studies on Nanopowder Fabrication and Plasma-Induced Turbulence --, (Plenary Speech)
    The 22th Gaseous Electronics Meeting (GEM 2022), (February 14 - 16, 2022), Sydney & Online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  22. Mathematical Descriptions and Numerical Predictions of Thermal Plasma - Nanopowder Production Systems, (Keynote Speech)
    The 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12), (December 9 - 11, 2021), Taipei & online, O4-1.
    Masaya Shigeta

  23. Mathematical Descriptions and Numerical Analyses of Thermal Plasma - Nanopowder Production Processes,
    Faculty of Science, Suez University Symposium in "Higher Performance Computing for Mathematics and Applications", (December 21, 2020), Suez & online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  24. Mathematical Descriptions and Numerical Predictions of Thermal Plasma - Nanopowder Production Systems, (Keynote Speech)
    The 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12), (December 9 - 11, 2021), Taipei & online, O4-1.
    Masaya Shigeta

  25. Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Thermal Plasma Flows for Nanoparticle Mass Fabrication,
    The 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, AAPPS-DPP2021 as on-line Conference, (September 29, 2021), online, A-I10.
    M. Shigeta

  26. Numerical analyses for material processes using thermal plasma flows,
    The Society of Chemical Engineerings, Japan, SCEJ 52nd Autumn Meeting, SY-56 [Symposium of Division of Thermal Engineering],(September 22, 2021), online, LB108.
    Masaya SHIGETA

  27. Arc welding from a viewpoint of electromagnetic thermofluid mechanics, (Special Talk)
    Japan Welding Society, Tohoku Branch, The 33rd Welding/Joining Meeting, (July 16, 2021), online.
    Masaya SHIGETA

  28. Experiences Obtained in Studies of Thermal Plasma Flows and Material Processes,
    The 68th JSAP Spring Meeting 2021, Division of Plasma Electronics 30th Anniversary Special Session, (March 16, 2021), online, 16p-Z12-3.
    Masaya SHIGETA

  29. Numerical study for material processing using high-enthalpy plasma flows,
    Annual Meeting of The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research 2020, Symposium 7, (December 3, 2020), online, S7-2.
    Masaya SHIGETA

  30. Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Thermal Plasma Flows for Nanopowder Mass Production,
    7th Plasma Science & Entrepreneurship workshop, (November 3, 2020), online.
    (hosted by Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Germany & Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands)
    Masaya Shigeta

  31. Methods and Applications of Weldig Process Simulations,
    Autumn Meeting of Japan Welding Society 2020, (September 14, 2020), online.
    Masaya Shigeta

  32. To observe and diagnose arc welding, (Special Talk)
    Japan Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics 2019, (November 16, 2019), Nagoya.
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  33. To simulate turbulent thermal plasma flows for nanopowder fabrication,
    24th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC24), (June 11, 2019), Naples, Italy.
    Masaya Shigeta

  34. To see thermofluid dynamics in arc welding processes,
    11th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 12th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma2019 / IC-PLANTS2019), (March 21, 2019), Nagoya.
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  35. Application of Particle Method to Arc Welding Simulation,
    Prometech Simulation Conference 2018 joint with GPU Computing Workshop for Advanced Manufacturing, (December 13, 2018), Tokyo.
    Masaya Shigeta

  36. Modelling and simulation of growth-transport processes of fume nanoparticles in TIG welding,
    The Symposium of Thailand Welding and Inspection Technology 2018, (November 10, 2018), Bangkok, Thailand.
    Masaya Shigeta and Manabu Tanaka

  37. Modelling and Simulation of Nanoparticles' Growth and Transport during Arc Welding,
    HORIZON 2020, NanoDome User-Conference and project closure meeting, (September 4, 2018), Cambridge, UK.
    Masaya Shigeta

  38. Modelling for Thermal Plasma Flow Dynamics,
    19th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2018), (June 6, 2018), Vancouver, Canada.
    Masaya Shigeta

  39. Modelling and numerical calculation of phenomena in nanopowder production using thermal plasmas,
    The first meeting of Collaborative Researches 2017 at National Institute of Fusion Science, (August 10, 2017), Toki.
    Masaya Shigeta

  40. Simulation of ambient gas entrainment into a thermal plasma flow,
    IIW 2017 International International Conference, (June 30, 2017), Shanghai, China.
    Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  41. Frontline of thermal plasma flow simulation,
    The 131st Meeting of the 153rd Committee, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, (June 20, 2017), Tokyo, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  42. Modelling for simultaneous growth and transport of nanoparticles around a thermal plasma flow,
    International Conference on Small Science (ICSS) & Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting on Nanoparticles 2017, (May 13, 2017), San Sebastian, Spain.
    Masaya Shigeta

  43. Modeling and Simulation of Nanopowder Growth Processes around Thermal Plasma Flows,
    Symposium Gas-phase Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials: Fundamental Understanding, Modeling and Simulation, Scale-up, (March 22, 2017), Duisburg, Germany.
    Masaya Shigeta

  44. Modelling and numerical calculation of phenomena in nanopowder fabrication using thermal plasmas,
    The 2017 Autumn Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan, Division 2 Symposium, (March 18, 2017), Toyonaka.
    Masaya Shigeta

  45. Analysis of dynamic plasma behaviors in gas metal arc welding by imaging spectroscopy, (Talk of Best Paper Award)
    Autumn Meeting of Japan Welding Society 2016, (September 14, 2016), Shibukawa, Japan.
    Masaya SHIGETA, Shota NAKANISHI, Manabu TANAKA

  46. Modelling and simulation of phenomena in nanopowder fabrication using thermal plasma,
    23th Meeting for Japan Society of Applied Physics Plasma Electronics & Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan Plasma Research group, (August 8, 2016), Osaka, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  47. Modelling for fluid-dynamic transport of nanopowder growing around a thermal plasma jet,
    The 14th High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP 14), (July 4, 2016), Munich, Germany.
    M. Shigeta

  48. Simulations of Flow Dynamics in Thermal Plasma Processes such as Arc Welding,
    The 9th Meeting of International Research Center of Welding Computational Science, (March 8, 2016), Osaka.
    Masaya Shigeta

  49. Computational study on collective growth of silicide nanoparticles under a thermal plasma condition,
    The Second International Symposium on Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials and Applications (ISN2A 2016), (January 19, 2016), Caparica, Portugal.
    M. Shigeta and T. Watanabe

  50. Modelling of collective formation of nanoparticles transported with a thermal plasma jet,
    Frontier of Nano-Materials Based on Advanced Plasma Technologies (International Symposium) at 25th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2015, (December 10, 2015), Yokohama.
    Masaya SHIGETA

  51. Modelling for turbulent transport of nanoparticles growing around a thermal plasma jet,
    68th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC-68) held jointly with 9th Annual International Conference on Reactive Plasma (ICRP-9) & 33rd Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP-33) sponsored by American Physical Society & The Japan Society of Applied Physics, (October 14, 2015), Honolulu, USA.
    Masaya Shigeta

  52. Dynamic behavior observation of thermal plasmas such as welding arc by visualization,
    21th Plasma Frontier Science Meeting, Plasma Electronics, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, (October 3, 2015), Osaka.
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  53. Modelling and simulation of phenomena in nanopowder mass-production using thermal plasma flows,
    134th NEC C&C System SP Meeting, (September 25, 2015), Tokyo.
    Masaya Shigeta

  54. Modelling of processes of nanopowder synthesis using thermal plasma flows,
    6th International Symposium of Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, (August 31, 2015), Uji.
    Masaya Shigeta

  55. The front line of thermal plasma simulation,
    Japan Welding Society, Kansai Branch, Executive meeting 2015 "Special Lecture", (May 29, 2015), Osaka, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  56. The front line of thermal plasma simulation techniques,
    Japan Welding Society, Spring Conference 2015, Forum (April 23, 2015), Tokyo, Japan
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  57. The front line of thermal plasma flow simulation,
    KAN GEN KON, The 2nd Meeting, (December 26, 2014), Osaka, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  58. Modelling of phenomena in nanopowder mass-production using thermal plasma flows, (Plenary Lecture)
    Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Kansai Branch, 15th Autumn Forum, (November 1, 2014), Himeji, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  59. Modelling works of flow dynamics of weld pool and thermal plasma and collective growth process of nanoparticles,
    81st Meeting for Japan Welding Society, Tokai Branch & Japan Thermal Spray Society, Chubu Branch, (October 10, 2014), Toyohashi, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  60. Particle simulation of weld pool flow dynamics in arc welding,
    19th Meeting for Japan Society of Applied Physics Plasma Electronics & Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan Plasma Research group, (September 9, 2014), Sakai, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  61. Numerical Schemes for Thermal Plasma Flow Dynamics,
    Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Plasma Processing Science "Many Scales, Many Applications, One Discipline", (July 29, 2014), Smithfield (RI), USA.
    Masaya Shigeta

  62. 3D fluid dynamic modelling of induction thermal plasmas,
    International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology 2014 (ICMAP2014), (July 11, 2014), Gunsan, Korea.
    Masaya Shigeta

  63. Weld Pool Simulation in TIG Welding by a Particle Method,
    JWRI-KMUTT Workshop, (June 4, 2014), Bangkok, Thailand.
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Masumi Ito, Seiichiro Izawa, Yu Fukunishi

  64. Flow Simulation of a Weld Pool in TIG welding by SPH method,
    Japan-Indonesia Welding Seminar 2014, Recent Welding Technology and Materials in Automotive and Ship Building Construction Industries, (May 14, 2014), Jakarta, Indonesia.
    M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, M. Ito, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

  65. Models of nano-powder formation in thermal plasma synthesis, (including Review Talk)
    4th International Round Table on Thermal Plasmas for Industrial Applications: Challenges and Opportunities, (March 3, 2014), Marrakech, Morocco.
    M. Shigeta

  66. Mathematical models of thermal plasma synthesis of nanoparticles,
    23rd Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan, (December 10, 2013), Yokohama, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  67. Numerical simulation of arc weld pool by a particle method,
    The 102th Meeting for Joining and Materials Processing for Light Structures, Japan Welding Society, (September 26, 2013), Osaka, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Masumi Ito, Seiichiro Izawa, Yu Fukunishi

  68. 3D fluid dynamic modelling of RF plasmas,
    31st International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG-31), (July 17, 2013), Granada, Spain.
    Masaya Shigeta

  69. Time-Dependent 3-D Simulation of Thermal Plasma Flows,
    Hokuriku Branch Symposium 2013 of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, (March 6, 2013), Kanazawa, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  70. Time-Dependent 3-D Simulation of a DC-RF Hybrid Thermal Plasma,
    12th European Plasma Conference, High-Tech Plasma Processes (HTPP-12), (June 29, 2012), Bologna, Italy.
    Masaya Shigeta

  71. Mathematical modelling applications to physical phenomena in thermal plasma processes,
    SEMINARIO, Auletta seminari DIEM, University of Bologna, (October 7, 2011), Bologna, Italy.
    Masaya Shigeta

  72. Numerical simulation of arc weld pool by a particle method,
    The 215th Meeting for Welding Methods, The Japan Welding Society, (August 3, 2011), Osaka, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta, Masumi Ito, Seiichiro Izawa, Yu Fukunishi

  73. Mathematical modelling of thermal plasma synthesis of nanoparticles,
    Second International Symposium on Plasma Nanoscience (iPlasmaNano-II), (December 13, 2010), Murramarang, Australia.
    Masaya Shigeta

  74. Numerical investigation of binary alloy nanopowder growth in thermal plasma synthesis,
    The Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, (November 2, 2010), Sendai, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  75. Modeling of Thermal Plasma Processing of Nanoparticle Production,
    2010 Workshop for Preparation of Nanoparticles by Thermal Plasmas, (October 27, 2010), Incheon, Korea.
    Masaya Shigeta

  76. Mathematical model of nanopowder mass-production using a thermal plasma flow,
    Meeting for young researchers, The Society of Powder Technology, Japan, (August 5, 2010), Ito, Shizuoka, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  77. Mathematical Modeling for Collective Growth of Nanoparticles in Thermal Plasma Synthesis,
    The 97th Meeting of the 153rd Committee on Plasma Materials Science, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, (July 23, 2010), Tokyo, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  78. Growth model of binary-alloy nanopowders in thermal plasma processing,
    Masaya Shigeta

  79. Model Formulation and Numerical Investigation of Thermal-Plasma-Aided Nanopowder Production,
    General Lecture of Institute of Advanced Study, University of Bologna, (March 3, 2010), Bologna, Italy.
    Masaya Shigeta

  80. Model Formulation of Nanoparticle Growth in Thermal Plasma Processing,
    The Eighteenth Nisshin Engineering Particle Technology International Seminar (NEPTIS-18)
    on Nanoparticle Synthesis in Gas Phase and Its Application - Fundamentals and applications of nanoparticles synthesized by plasma, flame, laser -,
    (December 8, 2009), Hakone, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  81. SPH Simulation of Fluid Motion with Free Surfaces, Heat Transfer and Phase Changes,
    2nd Meeting of Multi-Scale Fluid Motions and Systemization of Functional Fluids, (May 8, 2009), Sendai, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  82. Modeling of Silicide Nanoparticle Fabrication by an RF thermal plasma,
    13th Meeting of Semiconducting Silicides, (April 3, 2009), Tokyo, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  83. Model formulation for nanoparticle growth in thermal plasma processing,
    Plasma Science Symposium 2009 / 26th Symposium on Plasma Processing, (February 3, 2009), Nagoya, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  84. Modeling of nanoparticle synthesis systems by an RF thermal plasma flow,
    The 1st Seminar for Interdisciplinary Exchange, Program for Exploring Advanced Interdisciplinary Frontiers, (August 21, 2007), Sendai, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  85. Modeling of nanoparticle synthesis process by an RF inductively coupled thermal plasma flow,
    19th Tohoku Multiphase Flow Seminar, (June 8, 2007), Sendai, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

  86. Numerical Analysis of Ceramic Nanoparticle Synthesis Using RF Induction Thermal Plasmas,
    Joint Conference of ...
    Annual Meeting 2005 of Chemical Application of Plasma Research Group, the Ion and Steel Institute of Japan and
    160th Meeting of Welding Arc Physics Research Committee, Japan Welding Society, (November 2, 2005), Tokyo, Japan.
    Masaya Shigeta

INVITED TALKS (in joint names)
  1. Planar thermal plasma jet in diode-rectified AC arc system under atmospheric pressure,
    5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, AAPPS-DPP2021 as on-line Conference, online, (September 30, 2021), A-I19.
    Manabu Tanaka, Takuya Suenaga, Aika Tamae, Takafumi Okuma, Takayuki Watanabe, Tsugio Matsuura, Juan Pablo Trelles, Masaya Shigeta

  2. Metal Vapour in Arc Welding, (Plenary Lecture)
    The 5th International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation & The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering, (November 21, 2019), Osaka.
    Anthony B. Murphy, Junting Xiang, Hunkwan Park, Fiona F. Chen, David G. Thomas, Yuqing Feng, Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  3. Deposition of Titanium Oxide Film by APS Using Vortex Arc Flow, (Keynote Lecture)
    The 5th International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation & The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering, (November 21, 2019), Osaka.
    Yasutaka Ando, Yoshimasa Noda, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Hideya Nishiyama

  4. Towards the development of new generation welding technology - Arc welding technology evolving through visualization -,
    The 4th Meeting of Kyushu Branch of The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, (February 13, 2015), Kitakyushu.
    Manabu Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta

  5. Towards a smart arc welding technology for a new era manufacturing,
    JWRI-KMUTT Workshop, (June 4, 2014), Bangkok, Thailand.
    Manabu Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Kyohei Konishi, Akihisa Murata, Tadasuke Murata

  6. Wind of Smart Arc Welding Technology in Japan,
    Japan-Indonesia Welding Seminar 2014, Recent Welding Technology and Materials in Automotive and Ship Building Construction Industries, (May 14, 2014), Jakarta, Indonesia.
    M. Tanaka, M. Shigeta, K. Konishi, A. Murata, T. Murata

  7. A Wind of Smart Arc Welding Technology in Japan,
    4th International Round Table on Thermal Plasmas for Industrial Applications: Challenges and Opportunities, (March 4, 2014), Marrakech, Morocco.
    M. Tanaka, M. Shigeta, K. Konishi

    The 2nd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, (September 17, 2008), Berlin, Gernany.
    Yu Fukunishi, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa

  9. Hierachical Vortical Structures in a Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulent Flow,
    Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, (August 12, 2007), Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
    S. Izawa, W. A. Kareem, M. Shigeta, Y. Fukunishi

  10. Nanoparticle Synthesis by Reactive RF Thermal Plasmas,
    10th Organized Multiphase Flow Forum 2006, (Octorber 16, 2006), Zao, Japan.
    Takayuki Watanabe, Masaya Shigeta

  11. Modelling of nanostructure formation from vapours produced using thermal plasma,
    The 14th Gaseous Electronics Meeting, (February 5, 2006), Murramarang, Australia.
    Anthony B. Murphy, John J. Lowke, Jawad Haidar, Manabu Tanaka, Masao Ushio, Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  12. Preparation of Silicon-Based Intermetallic Nanoparticles in Induction Thermal Plasmas,
    The 43rd Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics, (January 20, 2005), Makuhari, Japan.
    Takakyuki Watanabe and Masaya Shigeta

  1. SPH Simulation of Toe-like and Levee-like Structure Formation of Lava Flow,
    21st International Conference on Fluid Dynamics (ICFD2024), (November 18-20, 2024), Sendai, Japan & online, OS20-3, pp. 1198-1201.
    Shingo Tomita, Joe Yoshikawa, Makoto Sugimoto, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta

  2. Time-Dependent Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transports in Water Plasma Jet with Evaluation of Transport Coefficients of Water-Air Mixture System,
    21st International Conference on Fluid Dynamics (ICFD2024), (November 18-20, 2024), Sendai, Japan & online, OS20-8, pp. 1215-1217.
    Yosuke Kishimoto, Joe Yoshikawa, Makoto Sugimoto, Manabu Tanaka, Takayuki Watanabe, Masaya Shigeta

  3. Numerical Analysis of Fe-Sm Alloy Nanopowder Growth in Thermal Plasma Tail Using Binary Aerosol Model,
    21st International Conference on Fluid Dynamics (ICFD2024), (November 18-20, 2024), Sendai, Japan & online, OS20-9, pp. 1218-1219.
    Shunsuke Tsurumi, Joe Yoshikawa, Makoto Sugimoto, Jian Wang, Yusuke Hirayama, Masaya Shigeta

  4. Numerical Simulation of Electrically Conductive Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Using Phase-Field Lattice Boltzmann Method,
    21st International Conference on Fluid Dynamics (ICFD2024), (November 18-20, 2024), Sendai, Japan & online, OS20-11, pp. 1224-1227.
    Makoto Sugimoto, Masaya Shigeta

  5. Computational Study of Turbulence Generation Around Arc Plasma Sustained in a Converging-Diverging Cylinder,
    77the Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC 2024), (September 30 - October 4, 2024), San Diego, USA, IW1.00003.
    Masaya Shigeta, Yuki Inada, Yasunori Tanaka

  6. Vortex generated on cathode surface and its role for air entrainment into argon arc plasma in a pulsed TIG welding with long cathode extension,
    77th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference on Welding and Joining, (July 7-11, 2024), Rhodes, Greece, Doc. XII-2700-2024.
    Masaya Shigeta, Honatsu Sorai, Yosuke Kishimoto, Joe Yoshikawa, Makoto Sugimoto, Hisaya Komen, Manabu Tanaka

  7. Numerical investigation of electrode splashing phenomena during TIG welding using phase-field lattice Boltzmann method,
    77th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference on Welding and Joining, (July 7-11, 2024), Rhodes, Greece, Doc. XII-2702-2024.
    Makoto Sugimoto, Masaya Shigeta

  8. Fluctuation Analysis of Multiphase AC Arc for Large Area Processing by Planar Thermal Plasma Jet,
    Proceedings of2024 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), (June 16-20, 2024),
    Beijing, China, p. 1. [DOI: 10.1109/ICOPS58192.2024.10626150]
    Y. Sogo, R. Takenaka, M. Tanaka, T .Watanabe, M. Shigeta

    Proceedings of 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS2024), Electrohydrodynamic and Beyond I, (June 3-8, 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, MS141A-4.
    Masaya Shigeta

  10. Three-Dimensional SPH Simulation for Lava Flow Phenomena,
    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2023), (October 9-11, 2023), Milano, Italy, IS14-5.
    S. Tomita, J. Yoshikawa, M. Sugimoto, H. Komen, M. Shigeta

  11. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of slag formation and transfer processes in metal active gas welding using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method,
    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2023), (October 9-11, 2023), Milano, Italy, IS12-4.
    H. Komen, T. Fukazawa, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, T. Yamada, N. Saito, M. Fukahori

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD 2023), (September 10-15, 2023), Greifswald, Germany, pp. 68-71.

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD 2023), (September 10-15, 2023), Greifswald, Germany, pp. 156-159.

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD 2023), (September 10-15, 2023), Greifswald, Germany, pp. 212-215.

  15. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Liquid Infiltration into Microscale Porous Structure,
    Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division (AJKFED2023), (July 9-13, 2023), Osaka, Japan, 3-03-1-02.
    Makoto Sugimoto, Masayoshi Mizutani, Naoki Takano, Masaya Shigeta

  16. Numerical Study of Axial Magnetic Effects on Silicon Nanopowder Cloud Around an Argon Thermal-Plasma-Jet-Induced Turbulent Flow Field,
    Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division (AJKFED2023), (July 9-13, 2023), Osaka, Japan, 4-08-2-02.
    Masaya Shigeta

  17. Experimental investigation of droplet ejection phenomena in AC gas tungsten arc welding,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, 1-A-305.
    H. Komen, K. Iida, M. Shigeta and M. Tanaka

  18. Two-Dimensional Axisymmetric Simulation of Arc-Plasma-Induced Turbulence of SF6 and Air Flows in a Converging-Diverging Cylinder,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, 1-P-306.
    M. Shigeta, Y. Inada and Y. Tanaka

  19. Rare-earth Sm-Co nanopowder prepared by low oxygen-induction thermal plasma process,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, 4-A-306.
    K. Park, Y. Hirayama, M. Shigeta, Z. Liu, M. Kobashi and K. Takagi

  20. Time-Dependent Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transports in Water Plasma Jet with Air Entrainment,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, POS-2-205.
    Y. Kishimoto, M. Sugimoto, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka and T. Watanabe

  21. Fluctuation Analysis of Diode-rectified AC Arc by High-speed Visualization,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, POS-2-212.
    Y. Sogo, R. Takenaka, M. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, M. Shigeta and T. Matsuura

  22. Characteristics of Planar Thermal Plasma Jet by Diode-rectified AC Arc,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, POS-2-213.
    R. Takenaka, Y. Sogo, M. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, M. Shigeta and T. Matsuura

  23. Numerical Study of Collective Formation Process of Fe-Al Alloy Nanoparticles in Thermal Plasma Tail Using Two-Component Co-condensation Model,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, POS-7-118.
    S. Tsurumi, M. Sugimoto, M. Shigeta, J. Wang and Y. Hirayama

  24. Capture of compositional distribution for binary alloy during induction thermal plasma process,
    Proceedings of The 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25), (May 21-26, 2023), Kyoto, Japan, POS-7-206.
    Y. Hirayama, M. Shigeta, K. Takagi and K. Ozaki

  25. Computational Studies of Thermal-Plasma-Induced Turbulence on Nanopowder Generation and Sustained Arc Discharge, (INVITED)
    Proceedings of The 75th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference & The 11th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (GEC 2022/ICRP-11) sponsored by American Physical Society & The Japan Society of Applied Physics, (October 3-7, 2022), Sendai, Japan, ET1.00003, pp. 62-63.
    Masaya Shigeta

  26. Arc Temperature Fluctuation near Electrode of Diode-Rectified Multiphase AC Arc,
    Proceedings of The 75th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference & The 11th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (GEC 2022/ICRP-11), (October 3-7, 2022), Sendai, Japan, ET1.00002, pp. 60-61.
    Manabu Tanaka, Junjie Chang, Yuki Takemoto, Takayuki Watanabe, Tsugio Matsuura, Tsuguo Ueda, Hideki Touzaki, Juan Pablo Trelles, Masaya Shigeta

  27. Mathematical Modelling and Simulations of Thermal Plasma - Nanopowder Fabrication Processes, (INVITED)
    National Conference on Recent Developments and Evolving Trends in Plasma Science and Technology & Pre-conference Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Industrial Plasmas, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, (September 22-24, 2022), Coimbatore, India, Invited Talk-4.
    M. Shigeta

  28. Computational Studies on Nanopowder Formation and Turbulence Generation in Thermal Plasma Applications, (INVITED)
    The 5th International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022), (August 3-6, 2022), Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 120-121.
    M. Shigeta

  29. Development of Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method in Transforming Liquid,
    The 5th International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022), (August 3-6, 2022), Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 126-127.
    M. Sugimoto, K. Toyama, T. Miyazaki, M. Kaneda, K. Suga and M. Shigeta

  30. Experimental investigation of dominant factors for droplet ejection from tungsten electrode during AC TIG welding,
    The 5th International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022), (August 3-6, 2022), Fukuoka, Japan, p. 128.

  31. Experimental study of dominant factors for droplet ejection from tungsten electrode during AC TIG welding,
    Proceedings of IIW 2022 International Conference on Welding and Joining, (July 17-22, 2022),Tokyo, Japan, pp. 574-577.
    Kenta Iida, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  32. Numerical investigation of influencing factors of slag transportation process during metal active gas welding using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method,
    Proceedings of IIW 2022 International Conference on Welding and Joining, (July 17-22, 2022),Tokyo, Japan, pp. 584-586.
    Takamasa Fukazawa, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Mitsugi Fukahori, Naoko Saito, Tetsuo Yamada

  33. Numerical Investigation of Influencing Factors of Slag Transportation Process During Metal Active Gas Welding Using Particle Method,
    2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, (May 23-25, 2022), Hawaii & Virtual Meeting, USA, MF01.11.11.
    Takamasa Fukazawa, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Mitsugi Fukahori, Naoko Saito, Tetsuo Yamada

  34. Experimental Study of Dominant Factors for Droplet Ejection from Electrode During AC TIG Welding,
    2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, (May 23-25, 2022), Hawaii & Virtual Meeting, USA, MF01.11.13.
    Kenta Iida, Masaya Shigeta, Hisaya Komen, Manabu Tanaka

  35. Computational Plasma Fluid Mechanics -- Studies on Nanopowder Fabrication and Plasma-Induced Turbulence --, (PLENARY)
    The 22th Gaseous Electronics Meeting (GEM 2022), (February 14 - 16, 2022), Sydney & online, p.10.
    Masaya Shigeta

  36. Mathematical Descriptions and Numerical Predictions of Thermal Plasma - Nanopowder Production Systems, (KEYNOTE)
    The 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12), (December 9 - 11, 2021), Taipei & online, O4-1.
    Masaya Shigeta

  37. Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Behavior of Arc Plasma Flow in a Cylindrical Nozzle,
    18th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics, online, (October 27 - 29, 2021), OS20-30.
    K. Ino, T. Fujino, Y. Tanaka, M. Shigeta, Y. Inada, A. Kumada

  38. Fluctuation Phenomena in Planar Thermal Plasma Jet by Diode-Rectified AC Arc Discharge,
    74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC2021), American Physical Society, online, (October 4 - October 8, 2021), ET42.00003.
    Manabu Tanaka, Takafumi Okuma, Takayuki Watanabe, Tsugio Matsuura, Juan Pablo Trelles, Masaya Shigeta

  39. High-Speed Visualization of Temperature Fluctuation of Diode-Rectified Multiphase Ac Arc near the Electrodes,
    74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC2021), American Physical Society, online, (October 4 - October 8, 2021), ET42.00005.
    Chang Junjie, Takemoto Yuki, Suenaga Takuya, Tamae Aika, Tanaka Manabu, Watanabe Takayuki, Matsuura Tsugio, Ueda Tsuguo, Tozaki Hideki, Trelles Juan-Pablo, Shigeta Masaya

  40. Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Thermal Plasma Flows for Nanoparticle Mass Fabrication, (INVITED)
    5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, AAPPS-DPP2021 as on-line Conference, online,(September 26 - October 1, 2021), A-I1.
    M. Shigeta

  41. Planar thermal plasma jet in diode-rectified AC arc system under atmospheric pressure, (INVITED)
    5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, AAPPS-DPP2021 as on-line Conference, online, (September 26 - October 1, 2021), A-I19.
    Manabu Tanaka, Takuya Suenaga, Aika Tamae, Takafumi Okuma, Takayuki Watanabe, Tsugio Matsuura, Juan Pablo Trelles, Masaya Shigeta

  42. Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Thermal Plasma Flows for Nanoparticle Mass Fabrication, (INVITED)
    5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, AAPPS-DPP2021 as on-line Conference, online,(September 26 - October 1, 2021), A-I10.
    M. Shigeta

  43. Identification of Light Emitting Elements near Electrode During TIG Welding,
    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Online, (October 28-30, 2020), p. 206.
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  44. Three-dimensional SPH Simulation of Droplet Transfer with Flux column During Flux Cored Arc Welding,
    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Online, (October 28-30, 2020), p. 600.
    Ryo Ueno, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  45. The relation between TIG electrode consumption and a light emitting region near electrode,
    73rd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Online, (July 23, 2020), Doc. 212-1670-20.
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Anthony B. Murphy

    Proceedings of the Second Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC), Maui, USA, (December 13-17, 2019), PRTEC-24037 (5 pages).
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Emanuele Ghedini

  47. Metal Vapour in Arc Welding, (Plenary Lecture)
    The 5th International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation & The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering, Osaka, (November 21-22, 2019), pp. 1-2 (Volume1).
    Anthony B. Murphy, Junting Xiang, Hunkwan Park, Fiona F. Chen, David G. Thomas, Yuqing Feng, Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  48. Deposition of Titanium Oxide Film by APS Using Vortex Arc Flow, (Keynote Lecture)
    The 5th International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation & The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering, Osaka, (November 21-22, 2019), pp. 7-8 (Volume1).
    Yasutaka Ando, Yoshimasa Noda, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Hideya Nishiyama

  49. Imaging Spectroscopy for Dynamic Transport of chromium Vapor During a Helium TIG Welding,
    The 5th International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation & The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering, Osaka, (November 21-22, 2019), pp. 175-176 (Volume1).
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Anthony B. Murphy

  50. Numerical Simulation of Droplet Transfer with Flux Column During Flux Cored Arc Welding by Three-dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method,
    The 5th International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation & The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering, Osaka, (November 21-22, 2019), pp. 177-178 (Volume1).
    Ryo Ueno, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  51. Development of a Welding Condition Optimization Program for Narrow Gap SAW,
    The 5th International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation & The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering, Osaka, (November 21-22, 2019), pp. 205-206 (Volume1).
    Yohei Abe, Takahiro Fujimoto, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  52. Effect of metal vapor transport on melting and deformation of tungsten electrode during TIG welding,
    The Symposium of Thailand Welding and Inspection Technology 2019, Bangkok, Thailand, (November 11, 2019).
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  53. Particle method simulation of slag transport and formation process during MAG welding,
    The Symposium of Thailand Welding and Inspection Technology 2019, Bangkok, Thailand, (November 11, 2019)
    Kazuya Tatsumi, Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  54. Effect of Metal Vapor Transport on Tungsten Electrode Consumption During TIG Welding,
    72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, (July 8-10, 2019), Doc. 212-1624-19.
    K. Tanaka, M. Shigeta and M. Tanaka

  55. Simulation of Dross Formation Process in Gas Cutting During Three-Dimensional Particle Method,
    72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, (July 8-10, 2019), Doc. 212-1621-19.
    T. Sugai, T, Katou, Y. Kitamura, T. Satou, H. Komen, M. Shigeta and M. Tanaka

  56. Effects of the Shielding Gas Flow on the Blowhole Generation for Aluminum Alloys Laser Welding,
    72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, (July 8-10, 2019), Doc. 212-1613-19.
    T. Fujimoto, M. Hirano, E. Fujimoto, Y. Abe, M. Nakatani, M. Shigeta and M. Tanaka

  57. Computational study of droplet detachment mechanism in flux-cored arc welding by SPH method,
    72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, (July 8-10, 2019), Doc. 212-1616-19.
    M. Shigeta, T. Sugai, M. Tanaka, H. Komen, N. Mukai and Y. Inoue

  58. Visualization of Submerged Arc Welding Phenomena by Experimental Observations and Particle-Based Simulation,
    72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, (July 8-10, 2019), Doc. 212-1620-19.
    H. Komen, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, Y. Abe, T. Fujimoto, M. Nakatani

  59. Investigation of Welding Condition for Narrow Gap Submerged Arc Welding,
    72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, (July 8-10, 2019), Doc. XII-2342-19.
    Yohei ABE, Mitsuyoshi NAKATANI, Takahiro FUJIMOTO, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  60. To simulate turbulent thermal plasma flows for nanopowder fabrication, (INVITED)
    24th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC24), Naples, (June 9-14, 2019), I-12(5).
    Masaya Shigeta

  61. To see thermofluid dynamics in arc welding processes, (INVITED)
    Online Abstracts of 11th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 12th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma2019 / IC-PLANTS2019), Nagoya, (March 17-21, 2019), pp. 454-455.
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  62. Numerical Simulation of Slag and Weld pool Formation Process in Submerged Arc Welding Using Three-Dimensional DEM-ISPH Hybrid Method,
    Joint Intermediate Meeting of IIW Comm. I, IV, XII and SG212, Greifswald, Germany, (March 4-5, 2019), Doc.XII-2421-19/212-1584-19 /IV-1412-19 /I-1386-19.
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Yohei Abe, Takahiro Fujimoto, Mitsuyoshi Nakatani

  63. Investigation of the Relation Between Chromium Vapor and Iron Vapor During TIG Welding by Imaging Spectroscopy,
    Joint Intermediate Meeting of IIW Comm. I, IV, XII and SG212, Greifswald, Germany, (March 4-5, 2019), Doc.XII-2419-19 /212-1591-19//IV-1419-19 /I-1393-19.
    Keigo Tanaka, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, A. B. Murphy

    Proceedings of ISER 404th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ICHTFF), Athens, Greece, (October 9-10, 2018), pp. 8-14.

  65. Experimental Investigation on Surface Condition of Tungsten Electrode with Metal Vapor from Weld Pool during TIG Welding,
    71st IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bali, Indonesia, (June 15-20, 2018), Doc. 212-1557-18.
    K. Tanaka, M. Shigeta and M. Tanaka

  66. Numerical analysis of correlation between arc plasma's fluctuation and fume particles' growth-transport in TIG welding,
    71st IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bali, Indonesia, (June 15-20, 2018), Doc. 212-1561-18.
    M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka

  67. Fundamental Study on Welding Phenomena of Submerged Arc Welding with X-ray Observation,
    71st IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bali, Indonesia, (June 15-20, 2018), Doc. 212-1560-18.
    Y. Abe, T. Fujimoto, M. Nakatani, H. Komen, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka

  68. Simulation of Weld Pool Convection in Submerged Arc Welding Using DEM and ISPH method,
    71st IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Bali, Indonesia, (June 15-20, 2018), Doc. 212-1556-18.
    H. Komen, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, M. Nakatani, Y. Abe, T. Fujimoto

  69. Modelling for Thermal Plasma Flow Dynamics, (INVITED)
    Abstracts of 19th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2018), (June 4-8, 2018), Vancouver, Canada, I56-106 (USB-Memory).
    Masaya Shigeta

  70. Numerical Investigation of Axial Magnetic Effects on a Turbulent Thermal Plasma Jet with Nanopowder Using 3D Time-Dependent Simulation,
    Fourteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2017), Sendai, (November 1-3, 2017), pp. 646-647 (USB-Memory).
    Masaya Shigeta

  71. Numerical Simulation of Moten Metal Behavior in Gas Metal Arc Welding by Three-dimensional Incompressible SPH Method,
    Fourteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2017), Sendai, (November 1-3, 2017), pp. 620-621 (USB-Memory).
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  72. Observation of dynamic metal vapor behavior in gas tungsten arc welding,
    7th International Conference on Welding Science and Engineering in conjunction with 3rd International Symposium on Computer-Aided Welding Engineering (WSE & CAWE 2017), Jinan, China, (October 18-20, 2017), pp. 218-221 (USB-Memory).
    K. Tanaka, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, A. B. Murphy

  73. Measurements of oxygen contamination in TIG welding with a constricted nozzle,
    7th International Conference on Welding Science and Engineering in conjunction with 3rd International Symposium on Computer-Aided Welding Engineering (WSE & CAWE 2017), Jinan, China, (October 18-20, 2017), pp. 414-417 (USB-Memory).
    S. Miki, K. Konishi, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, A. Murata, T. Murata

  74. Numerical Analysis of Molten Metal Convection during Gas Metal Arc Welding using Three-dimensional Incompressible SPH Method,
    PARTICLES 2017, Hannover, Germany, (September 26-28, 2017), Abstract available.
    Hisaya Komen, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka

  75. Time-dependent 3D simulation of nanopowder growth and transport in a turbulent field induced by a thermal plasma jet,
    Book of Extended Abstracts of the 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC23), Montreal, Canada, (July 30 - August 4, 2017), pp. 661-663.
    M. Shigeta

  76. Simulation of ambient gas entrainment into a thermal plasma flow, (INVITED)
    Proceedings of IIW 2017 International Conference, Shanghai, China, (June 29-30, 2017), B044, p. B34.
    Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  77. Smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics modeling of droplet detachment in flux-cored arc welding,
    70th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Shanghai, China, (June 25-30, 2017), Doc. 212-1485-17.
    M. Shigeta, T. Fujimoto, H. Komen, M. Tanaka, N. Mukai, R. Suzuki

  78. A Numerical Model considering Dynamic Interaction between Tungsten Electrode and Arc Plasma for TIG Welding Process,
    70th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Shanghai, China, (June 25-30, 2017), Doc. 212-1486-17.
    K. Konishi, M. Tanaka, M. Shigeta, T. Takida, S. Nakabayashi, A. Tsuji

  79. Numerical Simulation of Flux Melting Process during Submerged Arc Welding using DEM-ISPH Hybrid Method, 70th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Shanghai, China, (June 25-30, 2017), Doc. 212-1487-17.
    H. Komen, M. Shigeta, M. Shigeta, M. Nakatani, Y. Abe

  80. Spectroscopic Observation of Dynamic Metal Vapor Behavior in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding,
    70th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Shanghai, China, (June 25-30, 2017), Doc. 212-1488-17.
    K. Tanaka, T. Methong, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka

  81. Modelling for simultaneous growth and transport of nanoparticles around a thermal plasma flow, (INVITED)
    Program & Abstracts of International Conference on Small Science (ICSS) & Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting on Nanoparticles 2017, San Sebastian, Spain, (May 9-13, 2017), pp. 94-95.
    Masaya Shigeta

  82. Diffusion and evaporation simulation of additives in TIG welding for long-lifetime electrode,
    Proceedings of International Welding & Joining Conference-Korea 2017 (IWJC-Korea 2017), GyeongJu, Korea, (April 11-14, 2017), USB-Memory SWP2-2.
    A. Kurokawa, K. Konishi, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, T. Takida, S. Nakabayashi, A. Tsuji

  83. Numerical analysis of smart welding process considering electrode phenomena,
    Proceedings of International Welding & Joining Conference-Korea 2017 (IWJC-Korea 2017), GyeongJu, Korea, (April 11-14, 2017), USB-Memory SWP1-2.
    K. Konishi, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, A. Murata, T. Murata, A.B. Murphy

  84. Visualization of Gas Metal Arc Welding Process on Globular Spray Transition Current,
    Proceedings of International Welding & Joining Conference-Korea 2017 (IWJC-Korea 2017), GyeongJu, Korea, (April 11-14, 2017), USB-Memory SWP1-4.
    T. Methong, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, R. Ikeda, M. Matsushita, T. Kataoka

  85. Visualization of Metal Vapor Behavior in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding using Helium Gas,
    Proceedings of International Welding & Joining Conference-Korea 2017 (IWJC-Korea 2017), GyeongJu, Korea, (April 11-14, 2017), USB-Memory SWP2-3.
    K. Tanaka, T. Methong, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka

  86. Measurement of Metal Vapor Behavior in Helium Plasma during Gas Tungsten Arc Welding,
    Proceedings of the 31st International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics, Osaka, Japan, (November 7-10, 2016), pp.616-618.
    K. Tanaka, T. Methong, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka and A. B. Murphy

  87. Visualization of Plasma Temperature and Weld Pool Convection during Gas Metal Arc Welding,
    Proceedings of the 31st International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics, Osaka, Japan, (November 7-10, 2016), pp.611-615.
    H. Komen, T. Methong, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka and A. B. Murphy

  88. Feature of Steady Arc Plasma during GTA Welding with a Constricted Nozzle,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding & The 1st International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-1), Osaka, Japan, (October 17-18, 2016), pp. 163-164.
    Satoshi MIKI, Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA and Tadasuke MURATA

  89. Observation of Metal Vapor Behavior during Gas Tungsten Arc Welding using Helium Gas,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding & The 1st International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-1), Osaka, Japan, (October 17-18, 2016), pp. 149-150.
    Keigo TANAKA, Titinan METHONG, Masaya SHIGETA and Manabu TANAKA

  90. Diffusion Behavior of Electrode Additives during TIG Welding,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding & The 1st International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-1), Osaka, Japan, (October 17-18, 2016), pp. 185-186.
    Akitoshi KUROKAWA, Manabu TANAKA, Masaya SHIGETA, Kyohei KONISHI, Kazuya ISHIDA, Tomohiro TAKIDA, Seiji NAKABAYASHI and Ayuri TSUJI

  91. Simulation of Droplet Transfer in FCAW by Incompressible SPH Method and Finite Volume Method,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding & The 1st International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-1), Osaka, Japan, (October 17-18, 2016), pp. 183-184.
    Takahiro FUJIMOTO, Hisaya KOMEN, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Naoki MUKAI and Reiichi SUZUKI

  92. Simulation of Flux Melting Process during a SAW by DEM-ISPH Hybrid Method,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding & The 1st International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-1), Osaka, Japan, (October 17-18, 2016), pp. 61-62.
    Hisaya KOMEN, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Mitsuyoshi NAKATANI and Yohei ABE

  93. Diagnostic of Heat Source Properties in Gas Metal Arc Welding Using CO2 Shielding Gas,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding & The 1st International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-1), Osaka, Japan, (October 17-18, 2016), pp. 187-188.
    Titinan METHONG, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Rinsei IKEDA, Muneo MATSUSHITA and Tokihiko KATAOKA

  94. Visualization for Arc Phenomena of Constricted TIG Arcs by a Two-temperature Model Analysis,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding & The 1st International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development (iLIM-1), Osaka, Japan, (October 17-18, 2016), pp. 59-60.
    Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA, Tadasuke MURATA and Anthony B. MURPHY

  95. Numerical Investigation of Charge Effect on Collective Growth of Iron Nanoparticles Generated in Arc Welding ,
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research & 9th International Welding Symposium of Japan Welding Society (9WS) ,Tokyo, Japan, (October 11-14, 2016), pp. 402-405.
    Shota MINAMI, Masaya SHIGETA and Manabu TANAKA

  96. Experimental observation of arc plasma during GTA welding with a constricted nozzle,
    Abstracts of the 6th East Asia Symposium on Technology of Welding and Joining, Incheon, Korea, (September 8-9, 2016), USB 1page.
    Satoshi Miki, Kyohei Konishi, Masaya Shigeta, Akihisa Murata, Tadasuke Murata and Manabu Tanaka

  97. Two-temperature modeling for understanding of arc phenomena during TIG welding with a constricted nozzle,
    Abstracts of the 6th East Asia Symposium on Technology of Welding and Joining, Incheon, Korea, (September 8-9, 2016), USB 1page.
    Kyohei Konishi, Masaya Shigeta, Akihisa Murata, Tadasuke Murata, Anthony B. Murphy and Manabu Tanaka

  98. Effect of rare earth metal on plasma properties in GMAW using CO2 shielding gas,
    Proceedings of Annual Assembly 2016 of International Institute of Welding (IIW), Study Group 212 "Physics of Welding", Melbourne, Australia, (July 10-15, 2016), Doc. 212-1435-16 (12 pages).
    T. Methong, T. Yamaguchi, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, R. Ikeda, M. Matsushita, T. Kataoka

  99. Numerical analysis of arc phenomena during TIG welding with a constricted nozzle by using a two-temperature model,
    Proceedings of Annual Assembly 2016 of International Institute of Welding (IIW), Study Group 212 "Physics of Welding", Melbourne, Australia, (July 10-15, 2016), Doc. 212-1433-16 (10 pages).
    K. Konishi, S. Miki, M. Shigeta, A. Murata, T. Murata, M. Tanaka, A.B. Murhpy

  100. Modelling for collective growth of fume primary particles with charge effect in arc welding,
    Proceedings of Annual Assembly 2016 of International Institute of Welding (IIW), Study Group 212 "Physics of Welding", Melbourne, Australia, (July 10-15, 2016), Doc. 212-1432-16 (18 pages).
    M. Shigeta, S. Minami, M. Tanaka

  101. Incompressible SPH simulation of molten metal droplet transfer and weld pool convection during GMA Welding,
    Proceedings of Annual Assembly 2016 of International Institute of Welding (IIW), Study Group 212 "Physics of Welding", Melbourne, Australia, (July 10-15, 2016), Doc. 212-1431-16 (16 pages).
    H. Komen, M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka

  102. Modelling for fluid-dynamic transport of nanopowder growing around a thermal plasma jet, (INVITED)
    Proceedings of the 14th High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP 14), Munich, Germany, (July 3-7, 2016), p. 7.
    M. Shigeta

  103. Numerical Analysis of Convective Transfer of Nanopowder Generated around a Turbulent-Like Thermal Plasma Jet, (Outstanding Paper Award)
    Proceedings of the First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC), Hawaii’s Big Island, USA, (March 13-17, 2016), PRTEC-14664 (5 pages).
    Masaya Shigeta and Manabu Tanaka

  104. Computational study on collective growth of silicide nanoparticles under a thermal plasma condition, (INVITED)
    Proceedings book of the Second International Symposium on Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials and Applications (ISN2A 2016), Caparica, Portugal, (January 18-21, 2016), p. 119 & USB O20B.
    M. Shigeta and T. Watanabe

  105. Modelling of collective formation of nanoparticles transported with a thermal plasma jet, (INVITED)
    Abstracts of Frontier of Nano-Materials Based on Advanced Plasma Technologies (International Symposium) at 25th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2015, Yokohama, (December 8-10, 2015), CD-ROM C5-I10-002.
    M. Shigeta

  106. Modelling for turbulent transport of nanoparticles growing around a thermal plasma jet, (INVITED)
    Proceedings of 68th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC-68) held jointly with 9th Annual International Conference on Reactive Plasma (ICRP-9) & 33rd Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP-33), Honolulu, USA, (October 12-16, 2015), p. 76 & CD-ROM KW4.00001(2 pages).
    Masaya Shigeta

  107. Numerical prediction of growth and convective transport of Si nanoparticles around an Ar thermal plasma jet with He mixture,
    Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC22), Antwerp, Belgium, (July 5-10, 2015), OS-21-4 (4 pages).
    M. Shigeta and M. Tanaka

  108. Numerical Analysis of Arc Plasma in TIG Welding with an Additional Gas Nozzle,
    Proceedings of ASME-ATI-UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization and the Environment, Napoli, Italy, (May 17-20, 2015), Paper #134 (3 pages).
    Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA and Tadasuke MURATA

  109. Quantitative analysis of arc characteristics in SMAW,
    Proceedings of Joint Intermediate Meeting of International Institute of Welding (IIW) Comm. IV, XII and SG212, Columbus, USA, (April 8-10, 2015), Doc. XII-2204-15/IV-1225-15/212-1351-15.
    M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka

  110. Effects of surface tension on predictions of weld pool formation in GTA welding,
    Proceedings of Joint Intermediate Meeting of International Institute of Welding (IIW) Comm. IV, XII and SG212, Columbus, USA, (April 8-10, 2015), Doc. XII-2220-15/IV-1239-15/212-1364-15.
    M. Tanaka, M. Shigeta

  111. Numerical investigation of axial magnetic field effect on nanopowder formation around a thermal plasma jet,
    Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2015)/8th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science(IC-PLANTS2015), Nagoya, Japan, (March 26-31, 2015), C1-O-01.

  112. Numerical Simulation of Short-Circuiting Transfer in GMA Welding,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding (Visual-JW 2014),Osaka, Japan, (November 26-28, 2014), pp. 13-14.
    Kazuya ISHIDA, Yoshihiro TSUJIMURA, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  113. Numerical Simulation of Joining Process in a TIG Welding System Using Incompressible SPH Method,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding (Visual-JW 2014),Osaka, Japan, (November 26-28, 2014), pp. 19-20.
    Masumi ITO, Yu NISHIO, Seiichiro IZAWA, Yu FUKUNISHI and Masaya SHIGETA

  114. Dependence of TIG Arc Behavior on Gas Flow Control by a Constricted Nozzle,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding (Visual-JW 2014),Osaka, Japan, (November 26-28, 2014), pp. 21-22.
    Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA, Akihisa MURATA and Tadasuke MURATA

  115. Effects of Surface Tension on Predictions of Weld Pool Formation in TIG Welding,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding (Visual-JW 2014),Osaka, Japan, (November 26-28, 2014), pp. 23-24.
    Masayoshi MIYAKE, Masaya SHIGETA, Manabu TANAKA

  116. Plasma Diagnostics and Temperature Measurements for Welding Arcs,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding (Visual-JW 2014),Osaka, Japan,(November 26-28, 2014), pp. 45-46.
    Tasuku YAMAGUCHI, Kyohei KONISHI, Masaya SHIGETA, Akihisa MURUTA, Tadasuke MURATA and Manabu TANAKA

  117. Quantitative Evaluation for Arc Stability in Shielded Metal Arc Welding,
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, in conjunction with Symposium on the Research Activities of Joint Usage / Research Center on Joining and Welding (Visual-JW 2014),Osaka, Japan,(November 26-28, 2014), pp. 41-42.
    Takahiro IKEDA, Hisaya KOMEN, Makoto OTA, Tetsuo SUGA, Masaya SHIGETA,and Manabu TANAKA

  118. Simulation of Ambient Gas Entrainment into a Plasma Flow,
    Proceedings of 4th Japan-China Workshop on Welding Thermo-Physics, Osaka, Japan, (October 25-26, 2014), pp. 46-48.
    Masaya SHIGETA and Manabu TANAKA

  119. Diagnostics of Arc Plasma in MIG/MAG Welding,
    Proceedings of 4th Japan-China Workshop on Welding Thermo-Physics, Osaka, Japan, (October 25-26, 2014), pp. 62-63.
    Manabu TANAKA, Masaya SHIGETA and Anthony Bruce MURPHY

  120. Modelling of Fluid-Dynamic Transport of Growing Nanoparticles with a Turbulent-Like Plasma Jet,
    Abstract book of 33rd Annual Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research (33rd AAAR), Orlando, Florida, USA, (October 20-24, 2014), PDF, p. 217 (8NM.4).
    Masaya Shigeta

  121. Fluid-dynamic simulation of growing nanoparticle transport in plasma synthesis, (Award for Encouragement of Research)
    Abstracts of International Union of Materials Research Science - The 15th IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2014), Fukuoka, Japan, (August 24-30, 2014), CD-ROM, D2-O28-003.
    Masaya Shigeta

  122. Temperature Measurements of Gas Tungsten Arcs,
    Abstracts of the 67th Annual Assembly & International conference of International Institute of Welding (IIW2014), Seoul, Korea, (July 13-18, 2014), IIW Doc.212-1323-14.
    Kyohei Konishi, Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Akihisa Murata and Tadasuke Murata

  123. 3D fluid dynamic modelling of induction thermal plasmas, (INVITED)
    Abstracts of International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology 2014 (ICMAP2014), Gunsan, Korea, (July 8-11, 2014), HEP-FrM-4.
    Masaya Shigeta

  124. Time-dependent spectroscopic visualization of a metal-containing plasma flow in GMAW,
    Abstracts of the 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Ginowan, Japan, (June 24-27, 2014), USB Memory, ISFV16-1251.
    Masaya Shigeta, Kyohei Konishi, Shota Nakanishi, Manabu Tanaka

  125. Flow Simulation of a Weld Pool in TIG welding by SPH method, (INVITED)
    Proceeding of Japan-Indonesia Welding Seminar 2014, Recent Welding Technology and Materials in Automotive and Ship Building Construction Industries, Jakarta, Indonesia, (on May 14, 2014), pp. 34-35.
    M. Shigeta, M. Tanaka, M. Ito, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

  126. Wind of Smart Arc Welding Technology in Japan, (INVITED)
    Proceeding of Japan-Indonesia Welding Seminar 2014, Recent Welding Technology and Materials in Automotive and Ship Building Construction Industries, Jakarta, Indonesia, (on May 14, 2014), pp. 4-7.
    M. Tanaka, M. Shigeta, K. Konishi, A. Murata, T. Murata

  127. Models of nano-powder formation in thermal plasma synthesis, (INVITED Review Talk)
    Book of Abstracts of 4th International Round Table on Thermal Plasmas for Industrial Applications: Challenges and Opportunities, Marrakech, Morocco, (on 3 during March 3-7, 2014), p. 8.
    M. Shigeta

  128. A Wind of Smart Arc Welding Technology in Japan, (INVITED)
    Book of Abstracts of 4th International Round Table on Thermal Plasmas for Industrial Applications: Challenges and Opportunities, Marrakech, Morocco, (on 4 during March 3-7, 2014), p. 18.
    M. Tanaka, M. Shigeta, K. Konishi

  129. SPH Simulation for Weld Pool Flows in TIG welding, (INVITED)
    Proceedings of 3rd China-Japan Workshop on Welding Thermo-Physics, Jinan, China, (on 27 during November 27-28, 2013), pp. 29-31.
    Masaya Shigeta, Manabu Tanaka, Masumi Ito, Seiichiro Izawa, Yu Fukunishi

  130. Numerical Simulation of Multiple Thermal Plasma Plumes from a Jet Array,
    Abstract book of the 12th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization, Nara, Japan, (on 21 during November 18-23, 2013), p. 165 & OS13-01-2 USB Memory 10 pages.
    M. Shigeta

    Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Nagoya, Japan, (on 20 during September 17-21, 2013), CD-ROM, 4 pages.
    Seiichiro Izawa, Takuo Endo, Masaya Shigeta and Yu Fukunishi

  132. 3D fluid dynamic modelling of RF plasmas, (INVITED)
    Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Granada, Spain, (on 17 during July 14-19, 2013), USB Memory, 2 pages.
    Masaya Shigeta

  133. Numerical Study of Growth Process of Binary Alloy Nanopowders in Thermal Plasma Synthesis,
    Abstract Book by Topic of American Association for Aerosol Research 31st Annual Conference, Minneapolis, USA, (on 10 during October 8-12, 2012), CD-ROM (5FM.6), p. 336.
    MASAYA SHIGETA, Takayuki Watanabe, Toyonobu Yoshida

  134. The Effect of Actuator Length-Scale on Exited Waves,
    Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 20 during September 19-21, 2012), USB Memory, pp. 340-341.
    Hajime Okawa, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  135. SPH Simulation of Gas Flow Accompanying Thermal Expansion,
    Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 20 during September 19-21, 2012), USB Memory, pp. 588-589.
    Masumi Ito, Seiichiro Izawa, Yu Fukunishi and Masaya Shigeta

  136. Numerical Investigation of DC Plasma Jet Effect on Thermofluid Field in a DC-RF Hybrid Plasma Torch by Three-Dimensional Simulation,
    Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 20 during September 19-21, 2012), USB Memory, pp. 686-687.
    Masaya Shigeta

  137. Numerical Study on Receptivity of Flat-Plate Boundary Layer to Outer Freestream Disturbances,
    Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 19 during September 19-21, 2012), USB Memory, pp. 528-529.
    Shuta Noro, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  138. Leading Edge Receptivity to Freestream with Velocity Profile Sinusoidal in the Spanwise Direction,
    Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 19 during September 19-21, 2012), USB Memory, pp. 538-539.
    Yu Nishio, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  139. Numerical Study on Leading Edge Receptivity of the Flat Plate Boundary Layer to Vortical Disturbance,
    Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Big Island, Hawaii, (on 13 during July 9-13, 2012), ICCFD-4403 (5 pages).
    Y. Nishio, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa and Y. Fukunishi

  140. SPH Simulation of Gas Arc Welding Process,
    Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Big Island, Hawaii, (on 12 during July 9-13, 2012), ICCFD-3706 (9 pages).
    M. Ito, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi and M. Shigeta

  141. Simulation of Liquid Jet Breakup Process by Three-Dimensional Incompressible SPH Method,
    Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Big Island, Hawaii, (on 11 during July 9-13, 2012), ICCFD-2901 (2 pages).
    T. Takashima, T. Ito, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa and Y. Fukunishi

  142. Time-Dependent 3-D Simulation of a DC-RF Hybrid Thermal Plasma, (INVITED)
    Abstracts of 12th European Plasma Conference, High-Tech Plasma Processes (HTPP12),
    Bologna, Italy, (on 29 during June 24-29, 2012), USB-Memory p. 82.
    Masaya Shigeta

  143. Numerical Investigation of Nano-Material Processing by Thermal Plasma Flow,
    Abstract book of 15th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Sendai, Japan, (on 22 during March 22-23, 2012), pp. 183-191.
    Masaya Shigeta

  144. Cavity Noise Control Using a Small Obstacle on Cavity Floor,
    The 64th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, USA, (on 22 during November 20-22, 2011), p. 326.

  145. Simulation of Velocity Fluctuation Generated by Vibrating Actuator,
    Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 19 during November 9-11, 2011), USB-Memory, pp. 584-585.
    Hajime Okawa, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  146. Incompressible SPH Simulation of a Droplet and a Liquid Column with Marangoni Convection,
    Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 11 during November 9-11, 2011), USB-Memory, pp. 580-581.
    Masumi Ito, Seiichiro Izawa, Yu Fukunishi and Masaya Shigeta

  147. Flow Control of Unsteadily Separating Flow,
    Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 10 during November 9-11, 2011), USB-Memory, pp. 246-247.
    Tomoki Hayashi, Hiromasa Oe, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  148. Simulation of Boundary Layer Receptivity to Outer Disturbances,
    Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 9 during November 9-11, 2011), USB-Memory, pp. 486-487.
    Shuta Noro, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  149. Process of Leading Edge Receptivity to Periodic Disturbances,
    Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (on 9 during November 9-11, 2011), USB-Memory, pp. 478-479.
    Yu Nishio, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  150. Mechanism of Titanium Boride Nanoparticle Formation in RF Thermal Plasma Method,
    Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Philadelphia, USA, (on 25 during July 24-29, 2011), USB-Memory, No. 357 (4 pages).
    Yingying Cheng, Takayuki Watanabe, Masaya Shigeta

  151. 2-D nodal model with turbulent effects for the synthesis of Si nanoparticles in RF thermal plasmas,
    Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Philadelphia, USA, (on 25 during July 24-29, 2011), USB-Memory, No. 309 (4 pages).
    Vittorio Colombo, Emanuele Ghedini, Matteo Gherardi, Paolo Sanibondi, Masaya Shigeta

  152. Generation of Velocity Fluctuations in a Boundary Layer by a Piezoelectric Actuator,
    ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 (AJK2011-FED), Hamamatsu, Japan, (on 25 during July 24-29, 2011). CD-ROM,
    H. Okawa, S. Kondo, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

  153. Active Feedforward Cancellation of Instability Waves,
    Proceedings of the 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (December 17-21, 2010), pp. 256-258.
    Hajime Okawa, Michiharu Watanabe, M. Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  154. Boundary Layer Receptivity to the External Disturbances,
    Proceedings of the 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (December 17-21, 2010), pp. 240-243.
    S. Noro, M. Kaneko, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa and Y. Fukunishi

  155. Three-dimensional simulation of a flow in an arc weld pool by SPH method, (Best Paper Award)
    The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation, Osaka, Japan, (November 11-12, 2010) , pp. 9-10 & CD-ROM.
    Masaya Shigeta, Masumi Ito, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  156. Numerical investigation of binary alloy nanopowder growth in thermal plasma synthesis, (INVITED)
    The Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 1-3, 2010) , pp. 726-727.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  157. Leading Edge Receptivity to Periodic Disturbances Generated by Oscillating Wings,
    The Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 1-3, 2010), pp. 558-559.
    Yu Nishio, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  158. Characteristics of Velocity Fluctuations in a Boundary Layer Excited by a Piezo Actuator Driven with Two Different Signals,
    The Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 1-3, 2010), pp. 536-537.
    Hajime Okawa, Shigenori Kondo, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  159. Numerical Study of Boundary Layer Receptivity to Outer Disturbances,
    The Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 1-3, 2010), pp. 498-499.
    Shuta Noro, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  160. Passive Control of Oscillating and Separating Flow,
    The Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 1-3, 2010), pp. 254-255.
    Hiromasa Oe, Shota Teramoto, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  161. Numerical investigation of binary alloy nanopowder growth in thermal plasma synthesis, (INVITED)
    2010 Workshop for Preparation of Nanoparticles by Thermal Plasma, Incheon, Korea, (October 27, 2010), pp. 29-45.
    Masaya Shigeta

  162. Relation between Waveforms of Piezo-Actuator Driving Signals and Excited Velocity Fluctuations inside a Flat-Plate Boundary Layer,
    The 5th Tohoku University - Seoul National University Joint Workshop on Next Generation Aero Vehicle, Sendai, Japan, (June 17-18, 2010), pp. 50-51.
    Hajime Okawa, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  163. Leading Edge Receptivity to Oncoming Vortices,
    The 5th Tohoku University - Seoul National University Joint Workshop on Next Generation Aero Vehicle, Sendai, Japan, (June 17-18, 2010), pp. 42-43.
    Yu Nishio, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa and Yu Fukunishi

  164. Model Formulation and Numerical Investigation of Thermal-Plasma-Aided Nanopowder Production, (INVITED)
    General Lecture of Institute of Advanced Study, University of Bologna, Italy, (March 3, 2010), on the Web.
    Masaya Shigeta

  165. Model Formulation of Nanoparticle Growth in Thermal Plasma Processing, (INVITED)
    Abstracts for The Eighteenth Nisshin Engineering Particle Technology International Seminar (NEPTIS-18)
    on Nanoparticle Synthesis in Gas Phase and Its Application - Fundamentals and applications of nanoparticles synthesized by plasma, flame, laser -,
    Hakone, Japan, (December 6-8, 2009), pp. 73-82.
    Masaya Shigeta

  166. Numerical Study on Growth and Decay of Disturbance in a Flat-plate Boundary Layer,
    Sixth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 4-6, 2009), pp. 308-309.
    S. Noro, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

  167. Cancelation of Instability Waves in a Flat-Plate Boundary Layer by Feedforward Control,
    Sixth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 4-6, 2009), pp. 152-153.
    H. Okawa, M. Watanabe, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

  168. Numerical Study on Growth and Decay of Turbulence in a Flat-plate Boundary Layer,
    The 4th SNU-Tohoku University Joint Workshop, Seoul, Korea, (September 28-29, 2009), pp. 9-10.
    S. Noro, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

  169. Two-directional nodal model for silicide nanoparticle growth in thermal plasma processing,
    Book of Abstracts of 19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Bochum, Germany, (July 27-31, 2009), p. 572 & USB-Memory (4 pages).
    M. Shigeta, T. Watanabe

  170. Relation between Interface Characteristics and Mixing Effect in a Small-scale Channel Flow,
    Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, (November 17-19, 2008), pp. OS8-31 (2 pages).
    S. Noro, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa and Y. Fukunishi

  171. Numerical Simulation of the Behavior of the Vortex Generated between a Pair of Rotating Cylinders,
    Abstract book and Full-paper CD of 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, (October 13-16, 2008), p. 233 & CD-ROM (4 pages).
    S. Teramoto, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi and T. Kawamura

  172. Active Control of Instability Waves in a Transitional Boundary Layer Using an Array of Piezo Ceramic Actuators,
    Abstract book and Full-paper CD of 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, (October 13-16, 2008), p. 61 & CD-ROM (4 pages).
    M. Watanabe, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa and Y. Fukunishi

    Full-paper CD of the 2nd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Berlin, Germany, (September 16-19, 2008), CD-ROM (5 pages).
    Seiichiro Izawa, Toshimasa Miura, Masaya Shigeta, Yu Fukunishi

    Full-paper CD of the 2nd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Berlin, Germany, (September 16-19, 2008), CD-ROM (7 pages).
    Yu Fukunishi, Masaya Shigeta, Seiichiro Izawa

    Abstract book and Full-paper CD of 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Daejeon, Korea, (August 17-21, 2008), p. 42 & CD-ROM (4 pages).
    M. Shigeta, T. Ohno, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

    Abstract book and Full-paper CD of 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Daejeon, Korea, (August 17-21, 2008), p. 36 & CD-ROM (4 pages).
    S. Noro, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa, Y. Fukunishi

  177. A nodal model for co-condensation synthesis of silicide nanoparticles using inductively coupled thermal plasmas,
    Full-Papers CD of 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, (2007), 4 pages.
    M. Shigeta, T. Watanabe

  178. Hierachical Vortical Structures in a Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulent Flow, (INVITED)
    Abstract of Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Sofia, Bulgaria, (2007), Vol. 2, p. 226.
    S. Izawa, W. A. Kareem, M. Shigeta, Y. Fukunishi

  179. Development of a new scheme for transition prediction,
    Proceedings of Tohoku University - Seoul National University Joint Workshop on Next Generation Aero Vehicles, (2006), pp. 15-16.
    K. Sasaki, M. Shigeta, S. Izawa and Y. Fukunishi

  180. Two-dimensional analysis of nanoparticle formation in induction thermal plasmas with counterflow cooling,
    Abstract book of 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology and 19th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, (2006), p. 140.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  181. Modelling of nanostructure formation from vapours produced using thermal plasma, (INVITED)
    Abstracts of the 14th Gaseous Electronics Meeting, (2006), IV-1-2.
    Anthony B. Murphy, John J. Lowke, Jawad Haidar, Manabu Tanaka, Masao Ushio, Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  182. Evaluation of Non-equilibrium for Dissociation and Ionization in Induction Thermal Plasmas,
    Abstracts of Second International Conference on Flow Dynamics, (2005), p. 6-4.
    Takayuki Watanabe, Nobuhiko Atsuchi, and Masaya Shigeta

  183. Multi-Component Modeling for Co-Condensation Systems of Silicon-Based Intermetallic Nanoparticle Synthesis Using Induction Thermal Plasmas,
    Full-Papers CD of 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, (2005), 6 pages.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  184. Effect of Oxygen Injection into Argon Induction Plasmas on Chemically Non-Equilibrium Conditions,
    Full-Papers CD of 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, (2005), 6 pages.
    Nobuhiko Atsuchi, Masaya Shigeta, and Takayuki Watanabe

  185. Two-Temperature Chemically Non-Equilibrium Modeling of Argon Induction Plasmas with Diatomic Gas,
    Full-Papers CD of 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, (2005), 6 pages.
    Takayuki Watanabe, Nobuhiko Atsuchi, and Masaya Shigeta

    IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, (2005), p. 276.
    Masaya Shigeta and Takayuki Watanabe

  187. Preparation of Silicon-Based Intermetallic Nanoparticles in Induction Thermal Plasmas, (INVITED)
    Abstract Book of The 43rd Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics, 1E-S6, (2005), pp. 218-219.
    Takakyuki Watanabe and Masaya Shigeta

  188. Numerical Analysis for Preparation of Silicon-Based Intermetallic Nano-Particles in Induction Thermal Plasma Flow Systems,
    Abstracts of First International Conference on Flow Dynamics, (2004), p. 31.
    M. Shigeta and T. Watanabe

  189. Effect of Oxygen Injection on Argon Induction Plasmas by Chemically Non-equilibrium Modeling,

  190. Numerical Analysis for Nano-Particle Synthesis of Silicon-Based Intermetallic Compounds Using an Induction Thermal Plasma,

  191. Numerical Analysis of Nano metallic-Particle Synthesis in an Advanced RF Inductively Coupled Plasma Flow,
    Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (2004), p. 148 and CD-ROM: 12 pages.
    Masaya Shigeta, Hideya Nishiyama

  192. Computer Simulation of Nano Metallic-Particle Synthesis in an Advanced RF Inductively Coupled Plasma,
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, (2003), pp. 174-175.
    Masaya Shigeta and Hideya Nishiyama

  193. Numerical Simulation of In-flight Particle Processing in an Advanced Inductively Coupled Plasma Flow,
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Innovative Materials Processing by Controlling Chemical Reaction Field, (2002), pp. 48-51.
    Masaya SHIGETA, Takehiko SATO and Hideya NISHIYAMA

  194. Numerical Simulation of a Particle-Laden RF Inductively Coupled Plasma with Functional Enhancement,
    Proceedings of the Fifth JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Conference, (2002), CD-ROM: 6 pages.
    Masaya SHIGETA, Takehiko SATO and Hideya NISHIYAMA

  195. Numerical Simulation of a Potassium-seeded RF Inductively Coupled Plasma with Particles,
    Joint International Plasma Symposium of 6th APCPST, 15th SPSM, OS 2002 & 11th KPRA, MEETING ABSTRACTS, (2002), p. 109.
    Masaya Shigeta, Takehiko Sato and Hideya Nishiyama

  196. Numerical Simulation of the Functionalization for the Radio Frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma,
    Masaya Shigeta and Hideya Nishiyama

Media / Press Release
  • PR Talk Show: Joining & Welding Science Cafe "Why Ball Curves? Science of Flow and Science of Joinng and Welding", (June 30, 2020, Welding News).
  • Osaka University broadcasting research works, PR Welding by Associate Professor Shigeta (May 12, 2020, Welding News).
  • Welding/Joining Technology (November 12, 2019, THE NIKKAN KOUGYOU SHINBUN, Japan).
  • Determination System of Nanoparticle Synthesis Condition by Supercomputer (December 12, 2005, NIKKEI Nano-Tech Business).
    --- Summarized article (@ Website of TOHOKU University, in Japanese).
  • Characterization System for Metal/Alloy Nanoparticles (September 23, 2005, THE NIKKAN KOUGYOU SHINBUN, Japan).